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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Perhaps there are people that aren't as judgemental as you.
  2. 1 point
    We can never know for sure why or how anything is. That's why I sometimes believe it futile to attempt to learn. There is nothing we cannot learn, except that which we do not know we do not know. But that is the beautiful side of the world! In the past 500 years alone it is almost incomprehensible to conceptualise how much we have learnt and how far we have advanced. 2000 years ago people worshiped Mars, and now we have a fucking robot on it! If nothing, we will learn. Until we answer every question, we will seek answers. This is our existence!
  3. 1 point
    I'm going to plow into the back of someones car and see if they've added the ability to swap insurance information yet.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    What are you talking about? Kinect Animal Adventures was the best thing to happen to this generation.
  6. 1 point
    I agree with what you say regarding the movement functions but they do have their uses - exercise games and getting my kids moving. Kinect has a voice recognition sensor as well which I reckon has more possibilities than the movement sensor - I am playing FIFA 13 at the moment and it always makes me laugh when the commentator says something like "Well, the manager was livid with that decision" after I have just called the referee "a stupid, blind, fucken cunt" and then being told by the club management after the game that my behaviour was giving the club a bad name.... There are some games where for me, a casual gamer, it would be easier to tell the game what to do rather than trying to make the selection on the fly, especially in the heat of battle for example. It could also be useful in war games, directing troops and squad members.
  7. 1 point
    We'll get right on it, Jim.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I dunno - I could forgo a GTA for a Red Dead Redemption.....
  11. 1 point
    I'm gonna find a Yosemite dually truck (there better be one) and head straight for the countryside. I'll also be wanting to return to the Mt. Chilliad area and see what it looks like. The Zancudo River looks like an interesting destination too. Off roading in GTA V will be epic...
  12. 1 point
    Talk Xbox or GTFO.
  13. 1 point
    if gta v did get ported to PS4, then in a perfect world, i'd hope that rockstar included some sort of download code with the ps3/360 releases that let you download it free of charge on the ps4. doubt that though
  14. 1 point
    when rockstar even do as little as to hint that it will be on the next gen, then we'll had it to the poll
  15. 1 point
    Oh, I hadn't thought of a passenger jet. Probably because those don't usually fly on water.
  16. 1 point
    That's like living in a group home for the mentally disabled.
  17. 1 point
    I'm going to ride on a Freeway or Wayfarer through the countryside, up Mt. Chiliad and back down, through the Alamo Sea area and desert, and back to Los Santos. I will then write a Kindle-exclusive book about my experiences and call it "This Land is Our Land: The Lessons I Learned Through Travels in San Andreas". The middle section will feature, among other images, a picture of me leaning against my Freeway/Wayfarer, reading a map at the edge of the Alamo Sea at twilight. Several months after its release, I will begin negotiation talks with several Vinewood film producers seeking movie rights. Once the popularity of the book and movie recede, I will write a book about the experience of writing a book about the experiences I experienced in San Andreas. By that point, of course, GTA VI will have been released, overshadowing to the point of negating the popular appeal of the second book. After that, I haven't decided.
  18. 1 point
    I hope they keep the shit out of it. Nothing more satisfying than kicking some cock-knocking modder just when he spawns a bunch of cockamamie bullshit.
  19. 1 point
    maybe throwing passengers out of the window? that would be funny if you and your friends were on a plane and you would throw one of your friends out of the window. priceless. easy open the back of the cargo plane and fly upwards and they will fall out the back, then once there out you turn around and fly into them as there falling or hit them as they land and then they try kick you out of the game and get angry and go find a hydra meanwhyle you have found yourself a nice looking tank and shoot the hydra out of the sky as there trying to get payback... then go smoke a few bongs and come back to the game and hes sent you loads of angry PM messages and he get realy mad that you wernt playing, killing me isint as satisfying when i dont fight back! but he still keeps trying to kill my spawns and i walk start playing shoot him out of his car and try kick him out and it makes him angryer i honestly hope that they get rid of the kick option, because that is bullshit when you are running everyone over with a semi and they just kick you, or when you are dominating them from a helicopter.
  20. 1 point
    "I would like to see that a lot, hopefully you will be able to walk around in a plane, lets say a jumbo jet." Imagine your friend flying the jumbo jet and you are goofing around in the cargo area and your friend hits sumthing while flying, and the side of the cargo area explodes open... a parachute is just centimeters away from you but its too late!! the immense air swoops you out of jet and you fall to your doom as your friend giggles fiercly! Imagine this but like 5 people back in the cargo area!