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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AGTKLmaqic ICS Vortex anyone?
  2. 2 points
    "The people like you, the good people, they always die... and the bad people do too... But the weak people, the people like me... we have inherited the earth." That made my cock twitch.
  3. 2 points
    I touched AC MP once in Brotherhood or Revelations and never looked at it again.
  4. 2 points
    To be honest, none of us know exactly what we'll do (most likely). I know I have loads of ideas, but in 196 days, I'll just put the disc into my PS3 and do whatever the fuck I feel like at that moment in time.
  5. 1 point
    that was pretty badass. A couple of band I found clicking through related videos off a Blind Guardian Video. Woudlnt be surprised if you guys heard of them
  6. 1 point
    Take some pics naked and we'll let you know. Whore vagina looks different than slut vagina, and vice versa.. Qd, we were talking about the difference between sluts and prostitutes, not sluts and whores. Besides, prostitute vagina is the only kind you'd recognize anyway.
  7. 1 point
    ^ if there is im going to fly upside down close to the ground and and eject bam superragdol. Don't color your text white...it can't be seen on the other forum skin. -OPx
  8. 1 point
    I'm Ukrainian World famous Potato Pancakes! They're Disgusting! Try 'em! Will Ukraine be in Rome 2?
  9. 1 point
    That's very interesting, I know about the Swiss Pikemen (from Age of Empires, I think!). I'm a Sikh, our warrior culture is immense and something that people should really read about, purely because it's so interesting! Our entire history is embroiled in last stands, it would make Leonidas proud. For example, the Battle of Saragarhi 1897. 21 Sikhs against 10,000 Afghans. Known as one of the greatest last-stands in all of military history, every single man gave his life, yet very few people know about the battle. Furthermore, unlike many of the older last-stands, this one was very accurately recorded, partly due to the nature of the battle and also due to the fact it was fairly recent. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Saragarhi
  10. 1 point
    Early on, there are twin brothers Carl and Sophia's age. One of the twins, Ben, goes batshit crazy because of all the violence and starts experimenting with killing things while no one's around. The adults discuss him being a problem, and Carl ends up killing Ben before he can cause problems. I don't remember if Ben kills his brother, or if he dies some other way. I think he kills him. Ultimately, Carl becomes very cold and unfeeling, and is pretty awesome.
  11. 1 point
    Can't say I'm too hyped for this after how disappointed I was with AC3, it seems like their milking this series with half assed cash ins at this point. Hope they prove me wrong but I doubt it.
  12. 1 point
    I forgot this obvious great way to go somewhere http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hang_gliding
  13. 1 point
    Gay and Overrated 1974 Interceptor Mk III. Because I want a hatchback that weighs more than my friends new F-150.
  14. 1 point
    that old 70's band was pretty cool. Top youtube comment, everyone's immediate though \/ Its like Black Sabbath, except they're black
  15. 1 point
    *Looks at vid again* Anyway. . . didn't watch much, she sounded like a feminist, fuck those rug munchin' hypocrites. Why men don't marry as much anymore? 1. Women, "on average" have become more slutty and easier to bed than they used to as they destroy much of their braincells due to too much fake tan and reality TV in their teen years, so why marry one women when you can go out and find a new fuck buddy every weekend. 2. Men, "on average" mature fuck loads slower than they used to due to easier upbringings (not a poor upbringing atleast), which causes many things but one being a lack of motivation and laziness to do anything but sit, eat, drink, and play games. Fuck going out, buying an engagement ring, then figuring out a way to propose, when you can just say "i'm not ready to take that step yet" and carry on playing Far Cry. 3. Social events (pubs, clubs, parties etc.), are increasingly becoming less about talking face to face with people and more about playing internet/facebook games on your cell/mobile silently while sat around a table together. Which means less interaction between sexes. 4. Women, are traitorous by nature, they like to call it "cunning". They plan ahead, always have someway to keep us men in the shit, constantly, just the depth that varies, so they always have the upper hand when it comes to arguments, which some of us are now slowly learning, planning an extra step ahead. 5. Get divorced, both sides get 50% of each sides value, even if one side hasn't help in anyway to earn the wealth or property the other side has worked for. 6. 50% of marriages end in divorce ("studies" have shown), so why waste the cash. - Man's point of view. 7. Good men are increasingly hard to find, at least the single ones, so will wait in hope for a good long while in a relationship without a ring on their finger for fear they never find one again, men know this. Bored now.
  16. 1 point