*Looks at vid again*
Anyway. . . didn't watch much, she sounded like a feminist, fuck those rug munchin' hypocrites.
Why men don't marry as much anymore?
1. Women, "on average" have become more slutty and easier to bed than they used to as they destroy much of their braincells due to too much fake tan and reality TV in their teen years, so why marry one women when you can go out and find a new fuck buddy every weekend.
2. Men, "on average" mature fuck loads slower than they used to due to easier upbringings (not a poor upbringing atleast), which causes many things but one being a lack of motivation and laziness to do anything but sit, eat, drink, and play games. Fuck going out, buying an engagement ring, then figuring out a way to propose, when you can just say "i'm not ready to take that step yet" and carry on playing Far Cry.
3. Social events (pubs, clubs, parties etc.), are increasingly becoming less about talking face to face with people and more about playing internet/facebook games on your cell/mobile silently while sat around a table together. Which means less interaction between sexes.
4. Women, are traitorous by nature, they like to call it "cunning". They plan ahead, always have someway to keep us men in the shit, constantly, just the depth that varies, so they always have the upper hand when it comes to arguments, which some of us are now slowly learning, planning an extra step ahead.
5. Get divorced, both sides get 50% of each sides value, even if one side hasn't help in anyway to earn the wealth or property the other side has worked for.
6. 50% of marriages end in divorce ("studies" have shown), so why waste the cash. - Man's point of view.
7. Good men are increasingly hard to find, at least the single ones, so will wait in hope for a good long while in a relationship without a ring on their finger for fear they never find one again, men know this.
Bored now.