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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    release date for gta 5 confirmed http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/48591/grand-theft-auto-v-is-coming-9172013.html
  2. 1 point
    Marcus, I always admired your people. Swedes are some of the most intelligent and wisest people on the Earth.
  3. 1 point
    What could possibly be done with yoga? Really, now. Will it be a Move/Kinect feature? I doubt it. Will it be button pressing to change positions and align your chakra? I doubt it. ...So what could those bastards at Rockstar have in store for us regarding yoga?
  4. 1 point
    My parents gave me $4000 to buy diamond encrusted gold plated Nike Air Jordans! #YOLO #SWAG
  5. 1 point
    Try taking a Honda Civic offroad sometime; you might actually find IV to be rather forgiving in contrast.
  6. 1 point
    I'd imagine that would be an interesting part of a heist. Speeding away in the getaway vehicle, you get on the freeway only to find that it's a parking lot. A mile or two ahead, the heatwave distorts the sun's glint off of hundreds of roofs. The sirens are getting louder...
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    i think paralyzing poisons are the best ones... watch them pass out for a few seconds while i beat the shit out of him with my sword... now put that enchantment on a sword and you've got one of the best weapons in a fierce battle...
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I'd like to see lots of different cars (kinda a given for a GTA game) but I'd like to see old models and new models of the same car, think it will give the game a real feeling of depth and realism
  11. 1 point
    Bouncy balls are the shit. I like red ones the best. Think I posted that pic a year or so ago. EDIT: Nope, it was this one. I can't understand why you don't post more often, fucktardedness be damned. You've got some good ideas.
  12. 1 point
    Wow, this is why i don't post so i don't seem as fucking fucktarded as this. Ejector seat = WIN I would like to see a reliant robin (the 3 wheeled car) or an old mini cooper cruising about somewhere. I think there should be a lot more unique cars, like the Aston we saw in the second trailer!
  13. 1 point
    Interesting stuff, and an unbelievable Last Stand. Weird I haven't heard about it before. Gurmukh Singh, the Last Sikh Standing ended up killing 20 Afghans, with the enemy having to set fire to the Fort in order to kill him. As he was dying he was heard yelling the Sikh battle-cry " Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal " ( Victory belongs to those who recite the name of God with a true heart ). I have learnt some things about Sikhs from Sikh friends at school and at work, and have done a bit of internet research on them as well. And from what I've learnt, it seems like they they were pretty much the Apex warriors in India. Usually being physically superior to other Indian Castes. Not just in strength ( they're also on average taller than most other Indians as well ), but also in their courage and determination. I know that the Indian people are broken up into a caste system, with Sikhs playing the primary protective role for the rest of the Indian Castes ( and not just as warriors, but Elite warriors ). The British saw how effective Sikh warriors were in combat when they invaded India in the 17th Century. And they played an integral role when incorporated into the new British/Indian Army Corps from that point on, up until India's Independence in 1947. Without their help in Africa, The Middle East and Asia, I doubt that the British would of been successful in maintaining their Colonies in the East as long as they did. Even with their unmatched Naval Superiority. I also know that the name Singh, which is commonly used as a title for Sikhs ( usually a Middle or Surname ), is roughly translated from Sanskrit as meaning " Lion ". An animal which is usually associated with warriors ( like for example the English King " Richard The Lionheart " ).
  14. 1 point
    This was a good watch. Nothing about in-game. Just how they developed the infected.
  15. 1 point
    okay it's not my pet, but i had a pitbull-mastiff a few years ago, and it reminded me of it.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    yea, i saw patrick brown posted that on facebook... i kinda wish they would of used timothy olyphant again...
  18. 1 point
    That's funny because I'm 6'5 and I prefer the DaulShock. More snug, plus it's easier to hit all of the face buttons and play Fighting games. The trick is to hit X & O with the spot about one centimeter down from your thumb joint, SQUARE with the spot one centimeter above your thumb joint (the center of your finger print), and hit TRIANGLE with the tip of your thumb.
  19. 1 point
    Yeah that's what I'm after. I don't mind if it's set in the US again, but I'd like more rural areas. A San Andreas based game on PS3/360 hardware would be ideal for me. I also want all of the features that GTA4 missed out on. Just stupid stuff like being able to hook up a trailer to trucks and drive around killing people when it jacknifes. Planes, helicopters, bicycles, jetski's, tanks... Destructible environments. Way more side missions and random stuff, a bit like the random people who come up to you on Red Dead Redemption. I could go on...