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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Will be great to push friends down the stairs of the Hollywood Bowl. "C'mere, I wanna show you a glitch..."
  2. 2 points
    It would be cool if they had sports events there. How cool would it be to stop a touchdown with a sabre gt.
  3. 2 points
    That^. Was very strange walking through the apartments in IV and hearing the dead silence. Made the world feel a little empty.
  4. 2 points
    Prime is SA. A proper vet.
  5. 1 point
    So R* confirmed a while back that purchasable property won't be on the cards. However, they did say that you would be able to spend your hard-earned money on toys of sorts. Perhaps purchasable furniture for your properties? The ability to change rooms perhaps? It would be pretty sweet to give Michael a nice arcade room in his pad. Or perhaps an upgraded trailer for Trevor? I'd imagine that cars will play a role in some way, perhaps some small scale customisation to your cars? Being able to purchase cars for your garage? More likely though, I think that R* will be focusing on weapons, weapon modifications, weapon ammo and such. What do you recon?
  6. 1 point
    haha, I've seen her, sure i was hiding in her garden looking through a window; still counts.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    she is lucky, sleep on a matress on the floor, lucky lucky girl
  9. 1 point
    I'm hoping for an out door rock throwing arena for stoning Jews
  10. 1 point
    i like the idea of a tranquilizer gun and you shooting animals with it but it would also be good on stealth missions or to shoot a cop and not get a wanted level. i would like to see a sea turtle as one of them sea animals. i also would like to go out in the woods and use woodland creachers as target shooting you know to see how much damage the guns can really do. and last if they have a zoo i would like to let all the animals out to be free.
  11. 1 point
    I'm definitely looking forward to getting my use from the new "flipping the bird" feature. I'm gonna be flipping off cops, bikers, hookers, gang members, dogs, mo fuckas at da gym and random ass people especially. Thats really gonna brighten my day.
  12. 1 point
    This is a big enough crowd for me.. I think that areas that would typically be crowded will be..
  13. 1 point
    I heard California is infamous for its presence of wild monkeys, chimps and silverback motherfucking gorrillas. [/sarcasm]
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    No no no no nowie no no. "The O button served no purpose when driving in GTA IV." Not true. The O button was the cinematic camera button and served for some badass cop chases. clicking L3 while holding O also made the game enter slow-mo. I'll be damned if they remove that.
  16. 1 point
    i wish they had a bulldozer in gta iv then maybe the game would have been more fun but they didn't. hay maybe they will have a bulldozer in gta v but i can only pray that there will be one and that they bring the thing that let you move certain things on the vehicles back like in SA.
  17. 1 point
    I hereby nominate this for the loading-screen music.
  18. 1 point
    Well, since bears can swim in real life, that fucked-up idea just might be stupid enough to work. I hope we can customize that shark we saw with frickin' laser beams attached to its head.
  19. 1 point
    I like the idea of leading a bear into the city, along with random bear attacks against pedestrians and hikers. On a side note, I would like for there to be a tranquilizer gun in the game which is able to put any of the animals to sleep. You should then be able to tie a rope to it and drag it slowly behind your car ( so as to not kill it ) traveling towards the coast ( or somehow be able to put it into the back of a truck bed/ even though it would be heavy as fuck ). For the next part to work, bears will need to have the ability to swim. O.K so you drive the bear right to the coast and off of a cliff into the ocean below, the bear wakes up stunned from the impact and comes face to face with a great white shark. A bloody fight insues, who will be victorious? Just something I would like to see. Plus if there was a zoo, you could try similar scenarios pairing up different animals to see who will win. Throwing Tigers in with Lions, Silverback Gorillas in with Polar Bears, Crocodiles with Killer Whales etc etc.
  20. 1 point
    We may see a reformed version of the famous taxi driver instigation technique. 1. Punch a bear in the face. 2. Repeat step one forty times. 3. Lead the mob of bears into a countryside town (or, better, south central L.S) on your Faggio. 4. Enjoy the ensuing mayhem.
  21. 1 point
    you would think that people would get that... its kinda the batman way lol but anyway i think the bigger points are being missed, renting ATV'S for dunes, buying lifts for trucks for mudding, renting race cars for circuits and might be able to take the car for a winning prize. i mean you can lie taking a race car for a 2 person hiest would be badass as hell not to mention a epic police chase. Also buying beer at bars, placing wagers at darts or poker or something, im not a big fan of quiet cars, i like loud muscle cars so maybe a sound chip customization in with car mods would be cool, and as for the arcade game room idea, everyone likes pinball lol or pac-man or something of the sort =D. i like the creativity of the ideas here, but i guess not many people see the backround in the videos. im not sure about anyone else but i saw a carnival!!! NOW THINK!!! MONEY
  22. 1 point
    True story, but I guess if you had a customised car that kept respawning in the garage, then it would be worth it. Likewise, hopefully R* will code it in before release, there's been plenty demand for it on all the forums - and R* are known for listening to their fans.
  23. 1 point
    Did anyone else notice that in IV your side mirrors never broke off? Think about it.. they never did.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    wow what some sad people lmao nd i want the police to use the dogs like K9's to chase you down