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7 pointsI've pinpointed the multiplayer pad/safehouse on the map. After seeing all the satellite views and the size of the roads, and buildings, we must come to an agreement that LS is a lot bigger than a lot of people thought. Some of us have been saying for ages, that it's going to be a lot bigger when you're down inside it than it does from a hill where everything looks micro...
4 points
3 points
2 pointsSo wait, are you a proud american? A proud american is a bundle of sticks....just saying. This guy right here is a flaming proud american.
2 points
2 pointsI'd imagine they'd make the Khamelion fair game to any player dedicated enough. Personally, I'm gonna set up some Wile E. Coyote-style traps out in Blaine County, hoping to catch some snooty CE bastard as he enjoys a desert cruise.
2 pointsI wanna ride a bike off that mountain ledge in the gameplay trailer
2 pointsDouble Post, been playing IV more lately and have took some shots when I got bored and did a few landscape shots. I've thought about releasing some in a pack, but haven't decided yet. All images are taken at 1920x1080 at max settings.
1 point---- so, i know i am not the only one here excited about this game... it's being developed by avalanche studios, creators of the just cause series, which is an underrated game IMO, and should be played at least once if you like open world games... and picturing that vast open world with post-apocalyptic overtones could make this the early sleeper hit of 2014... all CGI i know, and it's not like just cause 2 was a super sharp looking game either, but taking in the scope of the world brought out it's majestic beauty... i can only imagine this world looking as magnificent when taken in all at once as well... ----- gasoline is the main focus of this post-apocalyptic world in case you were wondering... cars rule the open roads of the wasteland, and gangs, rebels, and loners like mad max, own the pavement... there's always a fight for more gasoline and bullets... the movies took place in the badlands of australia, and the characters all had australian accents... but the game actually has a guy with an american accent (so far) but still has the desert-like setting... no one is still sure about the direction of the world, but it has been said on record that it only takes place in the same world as the movie... i am not one for trying to duplicate the past as it usually ruins the original... so i am all for a intepreted remake, and if you didn't know, there is a remake in hollywood already filming that's due out next year... hmm... http://www.imdb.com/...ref_=fn_al_tt_6 here's an ok machinima interview explaining the game, not a demo as the link indicates...
1 point--------------------------------------------------------- MONDAY, JULY 15th, 2013 6:00 PM (EST) 11:00 PM (GMT) ------------------------------------------ HOST: bOnEs (artistadam) (make sure you add the host as a friend) ------------------------------------ DEATHMATCH SETTINGS ------------------------------------ PLATFORM: PS3 GAME: ??? LOCATION: ??? DURATION: 30-45 Minutes AUTO-AIM: ?? WEAPONS: Powerful TRAFFIC: Medium PEDESTRIANS: Medium BLIPS: All VOICE CHAT: On RESPAWN DISTANCE: Medium RESPAWN TIME: 1 Second TIME OF DAY: Evening WEATHER: Rain --------------------- PARTICIPANTS --------------------- - bOnEr - Jizzy B - Bushz0r - gtagrrrrrrl - anonymous (late arrival) - Bubly - Zevio - Ostrich (maybe) - Bronson's Penis (To participate, post here and I will add you to the list.) ------ Other GTA game modes may follow for those participants who stick around.
1 point
1 pointI just wonder why there are a bunch of gang members at a sawmill in the middle of the countryside.
1 pointI do love gardening! It is true. I even built (and hand dug) a stone retaining wall. It keeps me in shape lol. Sometimes my friends give me shit about it because I do all of my own yard work and my gfs and my moms. Its pretty crazy but someone has to do it and it's better than jogging Nice! Your feeder is much cooler than mine too. (mines very generic) Hahah, I love gardening too! I grow mint leaves, cabbage, peas, potatoes and spinach (I actually have my own ploughing machine!). I'm not much of a flower person, but that is definitely something I want to get into. I can't be bothered to post any pictures, maybe later. I garden too. I grow plants. Special. Medicinal Plants.
1 pointIf anyone liked the first one (of the good Walking Dead game), they've just released a DLC for it on PSN (£3.99, i think), called 400 days, which will be linked to season two when it comes out. Played through it in about an hour and a half. I loved the first season and this is just more of the same, and yes, your decisions will influence the game, especially when season two comes out.
1 pointCVG R* North interview Your response does't answer my simple yes or no question ok, yes, in that interview
1 pointit's up to you guys, where do you want to play? i guess i'll add a poll to the top ...
1 pointgood cover spot!! i really wonder if this issue will ever get fixed, on any game ever made, including next gen... never seen it done properly or handled properly... beginning to think i never will... is it too complex to ask the enemy to try and completely hide out of sight?
1 pointAnyone else notice the remaining fragments of glass on the shattered Buffalo windows?
1 pointThey still have a map in the standalone, but they have a "badass" Version with blueprint map in CE and SE how long is your damn signature?
1 point
1 point
1 pointtbf to the guys that did the interview, I'm sure they only set topics to ask so it wasn't as if they had free reign to ask whatever they want.
1 pointI agree. Large amounts of money should be hard to make without investments. And all the best properties/ safehouses/ businesses/ weapons/ cars/ boats and planes should be exorbitantly expensive, so that it really feels like an achievement when you finally buy them. They should also only be unlocked towards the later stages of the game. The reason for this is, if you get all the best things in the game too quickly, then there is nothing to work towards for the rest of the game. And the game can become a little bit tedious and counter-productive if you already have all the best stuff. That doesn't mean that you should have crappy stuff for the majority of the game. But there should be a slow trickle of unlocks, with the quality steadily building up, to keep the game feel fresh and to give the player a sense of accomplishment.
1 pointI hear you can't repo the assets of a dead man bitch sittin cheap ass hoe
1 pointYou cant repo the assets of a dead man, big city cheap asshole? I hear "bench-sittin' cheap asshole"
1 pointYes. Someone can. ...and that someone is me. This was a pain in the ass, btw. The entire thing has been rotated 90 degrees to put north at the top, since that should help us get our bearings. For whatever reason, the map as shown in-game has north at the left of the screen, east at the top, etc. This is based on the north marker on the radar map during Trevor's cop chase scene - he starts out travelling on a very straight road from bottom to top on the radar, which turns out to be west to east. I seem to remember someone saying the rolled-up map from the Special Edition promo was also rotated. Could be that the map is actually longer from north to south, so R* oriented it that way so it fits nice on an HD display. <shrug> For comparison, here it is as shown in-game. Edit: Watermarked, good call Gunny.
1 pointI know it's a bit late, but i finally got some time to sit and look through the video a few more times. Here's some text that i noticed in the trailer people may not (or may) have talked much about (haven't had time to read through the entire thread): Land Act Dam Tataviam Mountains Ponsonbys - Portola Drive Ark (Pet Store?) Prem um Deluxe Motorsport PDM X Welcome Back We Missed You Last Time - SA '88(Graffiti) SE|RENTA (rental homes?) citypaints.im "Rappel down the Agency office window" "Take down the choppers" Gussét (Billboard) Smoke On The Water (Marijuana Store) Pipe Shop: Multi Chambered Water Pipes Vaporizers Nanopipes Bubblers Pfister Design STD (Sentinel T........ D.......... on the car radiator) Atomic (Wheel) "This Is The Land of Opportunity, GET OUT!" Larry's RV Sales / Great Deals / New & Used. AP Pistol / Carbine Rifle; Extended Clip: Grip MissT (strip club?) Blazing Tattoo Doppler Clapper Tennis - Micheal/Jordan Covington (industrial) Cypress Life Pricks gruppe6 gruppe sechs - Putting U in Secure "Ram the security truck." Chicken Festival (Cluckin' Bell) Eddie Tow - Driver Gustavo Mota - Gunman Paige Harris - Hacker BAWSAQ / LON (or LCN?) GTAVdev1 GTAVdev4 GTAVdev5 GTAVdev7 GTAVdev14 GTAVdev18 GTAVdev19 GTAVdev10 GTAVdev2 GTAVdev3 GTAVdev12 GTAVdev...(hidden by windowframe) GTAVdev9 GTAVdev8 GTAVdev11
1 pointIt's not his money. It's labeled 'take,' meaning it's the overall value of what's been taken. Minus the cost of supplies for the heist and divided between the crew members (three men in the store, plus the getaway driver and anyone else who may have been involved), they'd be walking away with less than half a million dollars each, and that's if they can get away with all the merchandise (police could arrive before you can collect everything, for example). Taking into account the cost of the apartment in the real estate mention ($250,000), heists will provide steady income, but you'll need to use real estate (including owned businesses) and the BAWSAQ to really get rich.
1 point
1 pointnope, i am still not sold and i am truly being open to the idea because i liked 2 and 3... but it's not saint's row anymore... the humor is there, but the game isn't... why am i flying through space and fighting aliens? why are there mech robots and people with super powers? this whole alien concept changed the game completely... it might of been a decent add-on for SR3, but it is not worthy of it's own number in the franchise... still pass... i want to play gangsta shit, not fight aliens... there's enough of those games out there... saints row was the only gangsta game of it's kind, and now that concept is all but lost forever... i mean seriously, where do you go next for the saints? space exploration? planet hopping?? they are walking down a doomed road IMO... visually, it's not the streets anymore... wasn't that what this game was built upon in the first place?
1 pointAny or all the songs from the Drive soundtrack would suffice.. Imo that movie had an amazing soundtrack, and it reminded of a GTA mission strand haha For those who have not seen it, I highly recommend it, especially while we wait for GTA V..
1 pointThat would be a really cool way to spend money. I'd feel all important and intimidating having a black SUV full of commandos with me. with all these luxuries we will need to pay a high amount to the security providing companya nd if anyting goes wrong them we are going to fuck that company and make it to pay. An ambush on street when going to night club with all those bodyguards,sitting in a limosine.WoW.
1 pointshit. I didn't want to send 150 bucks.... but I just couldn't help myself. I've been waiting for this 5 years, It's worth it.
1 pointNo breaks. This is about killing Zombies, if you want a break just go watch HIMYM. In fact - I want the opposite of a break, I want the prison to become overrun with Zombies and Governors, I want the group to move into a sewer and having to fight zombie sewer crocodiles.
1 pointI want propagating fire to come back. It'd be nice to trap people in burning buildings in multiplayer. I'd also like to project online voice chat through vehicle loudspeakers like the police in IV do. "Will you come the hell back?" "Don't make me chase you, asshole!" Oh, and thanks for spoiling Training Day, BlackSox9.
1 point