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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/13 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Hey man, it'd be sweet if you did a scaled version of GTAIV's map next to it, so people would have some sort of point of reference Dup's put in a heap of effort just to do that. I don't mean to be rude but fuck the reference size. I'd like to see him superimpose a Prius next to the map to mess with people. Those who complain about the map size just need to chill out and appreciate what TreeFitty and Dup have done throughout the mapping process.
  2. 5 points
    - Added a couple more assets, to help with scale judgement. - Tweaked terrains slightly in areas that still felt needed work. - Updated the grey version along side the colour one now, since i like the grey one for contrast. The file is getting quite big now, so loading may take a bit longer than before.
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    I was thinking about something similar earlier. I have completely lost interest in almost all new games over the last few years because they don't leave anything to the imagination or allow you to be adventurous. As that excerpt says, the big moments of most games are condensed into a quicktime event you have no ability to change, other than to fail because you weren't paying attention (yawning) and didn't push A quickly enough. It seems to be that when a large game developer comes up with an idea for their next game, they have a series of events they want to squeeze in to take full advantage of the hardware and make it look good for trailers/eye candy in the game, as they know that will sell games and gamers will think they want to see it on their TV. Most are sold on it when it is no more involving than a movie with decent CGI. The problem is that, as a result of this, all ability to go about doing things your own way is taken out of the equation. The simplest way of showing this is looking at level maps from games 10-15 years ago and comparing them to now. Levels are much more linear and you may only have two (maximum of three) paths to mission success. If you stray from the path you are caught up by an invisible wall or some other false barrier which has been programmed in to keep you on the path the developer intended you to follow. Even some open world games manage to fall into this trap e.g. most RPGs will stop you beginning certain quests unless you've reached a certain level in a specific skill. While this is all part of being an RPG, it's a false barrier designed to stop you completing a mission unless you would be capable of completing it a certain way e.g. using magic rather than brute force. The difference with GTA is that it is a truly open world experience. If you need to get from A to B there is nothing to stop you driving across the map to get a helicopter and arriving at your destination with the military chasing after you (well, some missions will prevent that but only where it wouldn't make sense for you to continue). At the same time GTA allows you to fully experience an alternative world not entirely dissimilar to real life but give you the ability to do as you please. This is why I still find GTA appealing as it allows you to use your imagination and explore the world. The only thing GTA is missing is consequences for your actions - GTA IV gave you some decisions to make but none of them really affected the game in a massive way, other than determine whether you get a second safe house in Algonquin or not, or whether you take Roman or Kate bowling once a week after you've completed the game. It's why the internet goes crazy whenever Rockstar releases a single screenshot for the next GTA game - because it's the only remaining game of it's kind, done correctly.
  6. 3 points
    this just popped up on twitter, it's the back of the box...
  7. 3 points
    This is why I love Rockstar. [ Excerpt ] ~ “As a gamer, I always feel a bit cheated when you’re forced into something, or a big set piece moment is just a quick time event. We have big set piece sections of gameplay but it still feels organic and the player will feel in control. It always feels so much better if you’ve created it yourself, so that’s what we tried to do here. There are so many systems at work in the missions with the player at the centre of them, acting unpredictably – we tried to create a world in which these moments can arise naturally, and we look forward to seeing what players do with these systems when they get their hands on the game.” Rockstar - "Building better Open-Worlds since 1998". "The end result is something that, to myself, feels more "next-generation" than most of the titles coming out on PS4 and Xbox One later this year. IGN UK’s Daniel Krupa will be going into more detail on this topic in the coming days but, to me, there isn’t really anything in the PS4-Xbox One launch line-ups that matches the gameplay scope displayed here in GTA V." That statement is absolutely true, I haven't really been impressed by any Next-Gen games yet. How about you guys? Me, I'm still waiting for Fallout 4 to be announced...
  8. 2 points
    Also, Wheelchair Man's name is Lester. Yup. Doesn't it remind you of Two and A Half Men?
  9. 2 points
    My god, this thread is from June '12. Why did you bump it angelblast1997? WHY? So....ya....locked.
  10. 2 points
    The thing is, IGN is full of a bunch of in-bred retards, with the same intelligence level as a pile of string. So I wouldn't put much stock into what they think. But the Map will be BIG of course...
  11. 2 points
    I will be assessing the quality of all of the foliage in the game. Because if it doesn't meet certain standards...........
  12. 2 points
    Hey man, it'd be sweet if you did a scaled version of GTAIV's map next to it, so people would have some sort of point of reference Dup's put in a heap of effort just to do that. I don't mean to be rude but fuck the reference size. I'd like to see him superimpose a Prius next to the map to mess with people. Those who complain about the map size just need to chill out and appreciate what TreeFitty and Dup have done throughout the mapping process. Hey, look, I appreciate the months of work and effort these guys have put in, and I'm not complaining about the map size at all (if you recall, I was blown away by LA Noire's map). I wasn't even asking, telling or suggesting that anyone to do anything they don't have to. "It would be sweet" has the same weight as a demand as "I wish that someone would give me some money". The only reason I mentioned anything at all is because a lot of the internet community IS treating this as though it was the "official" map, and although Fitty and Dup are trying their hardest, the majority of (dull) internet users simply can't grasp the scale of the map/model. I mean, just look at the IGN comments: "It seems much bigger in the game then this model shows." "I feel like this looks way too small.. :/" "this looks nothing like the real thing way too small" "They said the map was going to be like 5 times bigger than GTA 4?!?" "im glad this is just a fan made map because it does look rather small" I wish I could say that this is a small portion of the feedback, but it's sadly the majority. I've watched this map come together, I understand the scope and scale, but not everybody has that context. But, overall, it's YOUR project and time, and you are free to do what ever you want with it. I just thought I'd defend my comment that's apparently sparked some aggression.
  13. 2 points
    ... ...I joke. Welcome to the forums.
  14. 2 points
    GTA V sales will only drop if Farming Simulator allows you to have sex with a cow, kill it afterwards and take it's milk.
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    I am slightly concerned about the wanted level being decreased from 6 to 5. What will the levels be like? Maybe like this: 1 star- Non lethal 2 star- Police use guns 3 star- Helicopter 4 star-SWAT 5 star- FIB
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
    Another update on the map -I spent some time sculpting detail into the mountains, and added a couple of bridges up in Blaine county. Hopefully doing the scale of the map justice, as I've still seen many people say the map looks small, when it's clearly massive. And If anyone is having trouble viewing the 3D model in their browser, here's a back up:
  20. 2 points
  21. 1 point
    Kuz 448749 pts Truth 328436 pts Brian 241253 pts loosers Gunsmith 120792 pts Rparker99 112201 Gtagr 104963 pts Santiago 52059 pts Conquested 49416pts Dupzor 49120 Bronson 19000 pts Ginginho 18231 pts Zevio 17010 pts Bones 10001 pts AceOfSpades 10000 pts Mercy 3500 Stilljustme 3071 pts Massacre 1873 pts DiO Wins 1003 pts Jeru the damaja 998 pts Craze 546 pts Beatnicpie 399 pts Ostrich boy 185 pts Rm808rams 151 pts Barrybran 103 pts Nathan 50 pts King787 8 pts Phishfood 7 pts Darkcomy 5 pts Plat1n 2pts Tjn94 2pts + 1 cookie Googlefluff 2pts Goarmy134 2pts Dsc88dsc88 2pts Caliman 2pts Tanner 1pts
  22. 1 point
    Holy shit, i had to take like 6 double takes on this photo. it looks like RL
  23. 1 point
    I feel sorry for those dogs once Sept 17 gets here
  24. 1 point
    if what i read is true the driving and flying skills are back, so with all the driving they have done they could also have a slightly easier time that way.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Well if you think about it, all the driving we've looked at would be from a R* employee who has had some practice already so my theory as to why the driving looks easy is because well, they just made it look easy.. Same goes for the shooting mechanics, in the gameplay vid, when Franklin was ripping through those guys, it seemed so quick and swift when in reality it's probably because the R* employee has played the game quite a bit..
  27. 1 point
    Craft beer master race, reporting in. Dogfish Head for life.
  28. 1 point
    Meh, fuck it. They'll probably appear with color when the station previews release. I can wait. Thanks Brian for the image links. I got them all uploaded.
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    http://math-fail.com/2011/10/schrodingers-cat-on-yahoo-answers.html Why just the sex
  31. 1 point
    I'd like to see Michael do that while he's walking around with his wife and she elbows him in the ribs.
  32. 1 point
    I've been reading user reviews of AFL Live 2... if they don't like GTA foliage, well...
  33. 1 point
    I feel like you're asking me to choose between my children
  34. 1 point
    I'm sorry if you (Pothatuu) thought that was a dig. I know your post wasn't from your point of view; I've seen the comments myself. I stand by my statement though and would hope that anyone who reads this thread will accept that the map size is the map size and not make a dick of themselves over the next ten days by complaining about the map size when talented forum members have used their own time to interpret what we've all seen as best as possible for the enjoyment and appreciation of everyone here. I understand what you were trying to say but at this point it shouldn't be necessary as we have 149 pages outlining every detail of the map, size included.
  35. 1 point
    I'm gonna do a couple of tutorial missions. After that I'm gonna explore the map, maybe drive a big loop, then explore LS and BC in detail. After that it's golf time!
  36. 1 point
    IV was great because we, the players, were going through a "culture shock" of sorts, just as Niko did. To transition from a blocky universe of wonky physics and Hollywood-esque plots to a crisp, detailed world of gritty greed and dark realism was great, in my opinion.
  37. 1 point
    Task 68 Next ten posts receive at random: 3 7 6 8 10 4 5 9 2 1 Kuz - 2500 pts Stilljustme -2000 pts Truth - 1500 pts Conquested - 1000 pts Ginginho 900 pts Truth 700 pts Kuz 500 pts Stilljustme300 pts Truth 100 pts Kuz 10 pts *You cannot win more than three prizes
  38. 1 point
    I know some people are happy happy happy with the music, but so far, I think the rock section is boring, lame, etc.. No Van Halen? WTF?
  39. 1 point
    And how the fuck is that going to work out for them? If they survive, the movie is stupid. This could be a 5 minute YouTube clip where they both give up and pull their helmets off.
  40. 1 point
    Well said. And it would be great if there were more real consequences in GTA ( as well as more RPG elements ). This would only immerse you more into it's world. Also I couldn't agree more with this statement. It reminded me of the old FPS games I played in the 90's ( before COD ). I remember playing the old "Medal Of Honor" games on the 'PS1' ( and Goldeneye on the '64' ), and having multiple ways of going about the objectives I.E. Multiple paths and multiple ways of approaching the enemy ( "Stealthily" or the "All Guns Blazing" approach ). It also let you infiltrate enemy bases using a disguise and a fake I.D. Plus you could find higher level clearances for different areas in the game, and if you didn't have the right papers to be in an area, the guards would run and set off an alarm, sending waves of tough enemies at you from multiple directions ( you could also disable the alarms yourself ). Plus the enemy AI had half a brain and put up a decent challenge ( shooting Nazi Helmets off was fun with the great sound design "PING!"/ And then him looking around all surprised to see where the bullet came from/ and then screaming in German at you when you're seen ). ( there was even a level in a German Castle where some of the Knights Armour ( decorating the place ) actually had people in them, and they would attack you once your back was turned ( making a heavy metallic sound as they charged at you/ they could kill you pretty quickly as well/ which made the level even more exhilarating ). Where did great original ideas like these go? Then I compare this too the crappy Call Of Duty's that we have today. Where the Single Player is a linear corridor with no alternate routes, and dumb generic AI enemies ( who are no challenge at all/ even on higher difficulties ). And the same shoot these guys/ blow this thing up gameplay, and I think how has FPS gameplay degenerated this badly? In the end you're just sitting through a boring B Grade Action Movie. But there are still plenty of great open-ended games like Fallout 3/ New Vegas, MGS 3/4, the GTA series, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 1/2/3, The Elder Scrolls Series, Far Cry 2/3, and the Batman Arkham games ( to an extent ). Or great games that even though they're linear still have great gameplay and tell a great story, like Uncharted 1/2/3, Bioshock 1/2/3, Max Payne 1/2/3, The Last Of Us, Portal 1/2, Hal Life 2 etc
  41. 1 point
    Not sure if serious... how can you confuse a Camaro with a Ford GT?
  42. 1 point
    Theyre not in california theyre in los santos I know. I was just pointing out that it looks weird with so many characters. oh and i didn't mean it like "what a dumbass"
  43. 1 point
    My inner gay is very excited by how fashionable these gentlemen are.
  44. 1 point
    I hope there isn't a call every 5 minutes from Roman asking if he want's to go bowling.
  45. 1 point
    If no one else noticed, the Postal truck is actually GO Postal with the same GO styling as the GO Loco train. I'll go out on a limb and assume GO is a large transportation company with stocks for us to manipulate.
  46. 1 point
    This game looks good but it seems like it could get really overly complicated..
  47. 1 point
    What I would like is at least the ability to use a RPG and a Sniper Rifle from a helicopter if you are a passenger. I found it disappointing when first played GTA 4 online with my friends and could not use them.
  48. 1 point
    gore seekers should try that game called happy wheels, lots of fun..... for 15 minutes, after that it gets boring. I think the game would be based on killing insects. I also want their limbs flying off.
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    Looked fucking amazing when I first saw the trailer, but now the hype is starting to wear off slightly because it's been so long. But it looks good so far.