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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/14 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. 4 points
    here's i think the last of the pics from monday... these are from ogbmx420...
  3. 4 points
    Finally, FINALLY, I found the car I've been looking for, for such a long time online. It must be one of the rarest vehicles (for me anyway), or I was just looking in the wrong places ( i found it on the northbound freeway beside Grapeseed. Either way I have my Zirconium Stratum, and it tunes up really well, with great speeds for what it is, and decent handling. such a great gem among the station wagons!
  4. 4 points
    ya gotta glitch it in. annoying, but fairly simple process. i don't know it properly, but it's roughly grabbin what u want in SP mode, then doin something and disconnecting from ps3 network, then goin back online, and stuff....saw it a bunch on the adtube site...err youtube that is... when i saw it done, was pretty simple to do, just a few steps involved and some timing. anywhat.....my unfinished Bobcat (was lvl 43 as of photo's):
  5. 3 points
    I drove a motorbike onto the top of the LSX dome, after days of trying.
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
    As a person who took a decade to do fuck all (drugs and video games) I fully support doing something that you find interest in, even if it isn't your life's work. Any knowledge you gain is something you can take into another field when inspiration hits. I had a go at being an actor, then a production designer/writer/film maker, which I have since given up on. But I now take all that knowledge and experience into my next field, which will be teaching. Go for it Analog. You can always move onto something else if the mood takes you, be it product testing (animal torture), plastic surgeon (specified animal surgeon), or professional dog walker (professional dog walker).
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    i got one of those too for my chick character!! me and dio went on a wagon adventure ... it really is an all-around nice vehicle.... it's right behind the duneloader ...
  10. 1 point
    Don't think about computer parts if your plan is to buy in 2 years lol.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    What can I say, I was brought up well. No point in being a dick if the situation doesn't call for it.
  14. 1 point
    Some random pics from last night. My #LSCarShow snaps