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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/14 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Kuz and Dio getting close Too close...
  2. 3 points
    mod shop destruction, as usual... damn, grl... dirty dirty jester ... that impound situation... i'm the one with the cops on my so i held my ground for quite some time until others started getting the stars.. .there should be a few good ones in the gallery... --- me and dup went offroading with the business cars... there wasn't a single hill that proved to be difficult to drive over... these cars are beasts... so that's where dup landed when we parachuted back into town... crazy old man... old men are always running people over... oh shit... hello... don't mess with this bunch... this next sequence doesn't surprise me at all... --- just a couple of randoms... --- lol, so i joined up with my buddy for an hour or so... guess what?? still rockin' that santa hat ...
  3. 2 points
    I never knew Larry and Curly were Siamese twins.
  4. 2 points
    So begins the ceremonial burning of Ace... as is tradition.
  5. 2 points
    only a few photos. impound rampage Kill at the bank from BMXOG from old skooler 34
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Lol Johnny's on that newspaper. I took a photo with Johnny! (kinda...) That means I'm famous now! (kinda...) #epicphotobomb I am in this photo Otiz. Look at the top of the image to the left of the ladder. Anywho, here's my 2 cents...
  8. 1 point
    Me reading bOnEs' post: Uhh... I'm gonna go with Massacre. Just did. Massacre. Massacre. Dude, wtf? Massacre. M A S S A C R E -__- ...................../´¯¯/) ...................,/¯.../ .................../..../ .............../´¯/'..'/´¯¯`·¸ .........../'/.../..../....../¨¯\ ..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..') ...........\..............'...../ ............\....\.........._.·´ .............\..............( ..............\..............\
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    this is all I need to know about this game. 'dedicated waaammmm' hell, 80% of these kids sound possessed.