This race was incredibly risky considering how long it took to make, and how difficult it was to put together. I was hoping to get it into iGTA night, as i spent a few days thinking about how i'd do it, and a couple days tweaking it. Now, i think it's ready. The risky part is that i don't even know if it's going to turn out the way i envisioned it...
...Just because it's hard to test something that wasn't meant to be possible in this build of the creator, and testing it by yourself... (bOnEs, you'll know what i mean, you did something similar with the triathlon)
The idea behind it is simple, ditch your ride and race on foot, with whatever weapons you like (Parkour/Deathmatch/Race). So essentially, it's a moving deathmatch, with checkpoints and a goal. The only problem i think this may cause is maybe a deadlock, where no-one makes a break for the next checkpoint without being fucked over by someone else, making it hard to progress. But it could go the right way, and be fun as fuck, making progression, whilst taking people out along the way... So maybe we can work out an agreement to only use one class of weapon, to make it easier on each other...
Steel Run
1-16 players - GTA Foot Race.
Arm yourself to the teeth, and make it a good run! (ditch your ride, this one's on foot) MUST BE GTA RACE OR WONT WORK!
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Testing was fun, but also difficult, simply because vehicles and rooftops don't mix too well, that's why it's a foot race. But i think i'm on to something, and might make a couple more like it.