i like the in game screenshots fitty, the monster truck race looks cool from back there!! although, fitty kind of ruined the last match with his shotgun massacre but that's what happens when you don't have a headset... it was pistols only... i made the mistake of accidentally switching to the uzi,it's right next to the pistol... but it's not like it helped anyways, i was a couple checkpoints from the end...
i think all the new stuff was pretty good to be honest...
k, here be the pics...
dem cargo bobs...
dat ghostman...
cargobob battle royal results...
the victor, dio...
got a problem??
not anymore...
jesus christ i'll have nightmares...
speaking of nightmares... glory holes!!
ace rampage...
the rest of the night, after the playlist...
kuz sneaking in for the photobomb...
dio majestically standing on a hill...
gtagrl fingering under the moonlight...
a car mashup...
i like this one...
where you going kuz??
nowhere ...