This half hour demo was shown off at E3 to the gaming press. It was shown behind closed doors but Konami released the gameplay earlier today. I have to admit this looks amazing! I'm excited about base building, and free base infiltration. Feels like Far Cry meets Red Dead. Also you'll find Kojima's reaction to the announcement of GTA V on next gen here. This isn't the first time Kojima talks about GTA, he said how great he thought GTA IV was and how he was nervous that it was coming out around the same time as Metal Gear Solid IV back in 2008. He also talked about how impressed he was with GTA V when it was first announced and it made him depressed that they had a long way to go with Metal Gear Solid V. I love it when developers of games I've enjoyed pay homage to one another. That kind of adoration says something about their mutual respect and humility. Got the video embedded thanks to Brian