compromise... maybe?
we make igta the vagos crew... all the people that normally wouldn't know would be able to just be white latin thugs... all you need is the yellow checkered shirt, BOOM, thuggish ruggish bone...
then just use our existing crews so we don't have to do all this crew joining/leaving/switching? i get that part, some people have too many active crews... i was just hoping people were a little more open to that, even leaving crews they know they can get right back in and at their position... crew crews...
so then that leaves the question of what crew represents what... we might even have to make them open to allow people to quickly join in and out...
the asylum is a good choice for the lost, but if you're doing the biker thing, you really should have the lost emblem, otherwise it's pointless... that's where we might run into a problem if we're trying to take pics... that lost emblem is the only thing that makes them different than any other biker gang as far as looks... the rest of the gangs can be pulled off with any crew...
or, we can just ditch the LS gang idea and just do crew gangs, LIMITING it to a few for the start, but adding others later in the night... i dunno, i like this idea too, and mentioned it before, but LS gang night seems like good ol' fashioned ghetto fun...