they tore apart team bondi after la noire... while i would love to have another one, i think they feel like they spent enough $$$ trying to make it happen... now that they have the technique down, you'd think it would be less costly not having to throw money at it to keep the project afloat... i say yes to another la noire, but i'm just not sure what story you'd do considering the original had a lot already... film noir is all usually the same, just different murders... people might not be on board for another, they already covered some of the more brutal killers of the era...
red dead, fuck yes they have to do another one... it was one of the biggest hits on last gen, they'd be fools not to follow that up with a gorgeous next-gen world of showdowns and dusty taverns...
a new bully would be cool, but there's not a lot of new stuff they could bring to the table to make it feel fresh... they did a lot already with what they had... remastering it would probably be more financially sound...
manhunt, never gonna happen...
max payne... i don't see why they wouldn't continue making these... it's a stylish noir with a main protagonist that people like... i find his journey thru hell to always be entertaining...
agent has to happen this gen... the project might of been too ambitious for last gen, and it probably took a few games to get the gameplay right... at times in GTAV, i felt like a secret agent, sneaking into the FIB building, wearing disguises, grappling down a building, etc... agent will happen, i just haven't the slightest fucking clue when...