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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/14 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    been taking some nice shots, jason... can't wait to see whatcha take on tuesday ... --- so... i made the transfer with my 2nd account... after trying to reason with the creator, i realized that i ran into the same problem with my main account's transfer; you can't get quite what you want... but i'm not mad, i like the new looks actually... i couldn't recreate ice cube, but i certainly look more gangster than i did before... --- danny trejo was quickly becoming far more difficult, seemed like niko's face was the closest resemblance, but i didn't particularly like the altered look... so i decided to further the look of my current one, making him more rustic, weathered, and blemished without making him look too old... i moved some things around and changed the parents, but still kept the basic look... i also finally decided on a name ...
  2. 4 points
    Some more ps4 photos from last night
  3. 3 points
    Hi, i'm new to the forum. Here are some of my snaps: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/rodrigohardcore/games/gtav/xbox/snapmatic/mostrecent Hope you like it Add me if you want
  4. 3 points
    I hope you didn't virtually kill her after the virtual act. Coz if you did. You're perpetuating violence against pixels. You monster.
  5. 3 points
    shit, dio, that's a lot of mexicans... --- some snaps before i go to bed...
  6. 3 points
    shit i hope im able to make myself. might just go with staying an old redneck good one from BMX. me running over a pile of mexicans
  7. 3 points
    Keepin an eye on igta's finest prison bitches... #Mergrl Mercy lookin all cute Mercy and her sister AKA "M&Emz" Our little family #BooEmily Self explanatory... Gotta love Cheech. I mean, who expected him of all ppl to pull this sorta stunt? Farm hoppin'... "In my time of dying..." Fin Edit: It took me 5 tries to get this to show up properly... do not ask me to post pics.
  8. 2 points
    The virtual sex was worth every virtual dollar... Just before it knocked me out... The question that keeps me awake at night... Low Santos part 2...
  9. 2 points
    rooftop kuz... kuz balancing a car on his head... that one might of hurt... just getting rid of some sticky bombs... that looks like it hurt... yea, this one too... my beat-up massacro... got done with a mission, spawned here... that be my beautifully painted turismo... cops are coming... shrubbery...
  10. 2 points
    Random shits and giggles from a recent PS3 sesh Someone landed a Titan on the side of the Maze Bank building, so BMX took shit to the next level... ...It didn't end well. Here we see him falling to his death. Luckily he managed to pull his chute, only for me to decommission it with a helicopter. Cheech and BMX got in a brawl celebratory badassery
  11. 2 points
    Mercy/Emily with stubble and rough skin. See ps3 was kinder on the skin. My now old self What i think Emily looks like in real life (Mecry's sister). This ain't going to end well for me. This ER is a bit of a fixer upper. These ladies randomly chilling our in the base tower. Don't think they are prossies so not entirely sure why they are there. Landed it. Forgot to put the landing gear down problem in FPV you don't tend to notice. Oh did i forget to mention i landed without a wing. Well i was already coming in to land i suppose I wish i could fish What a pug face. This guy needs to go to the gym.
  12. 1 point
    Why not? Let's do redneck hunters and farmers for the shits and giggles. We can take some off-road vehicles up north and into the side mountains where we never seem to go.
  13. 1 point
    Sooo - booty call? She sounds super classy
  14. 1 point
    I've still got my second character to create... so many possibilities...
  15. 1 point
    Your local strip club is called "Church"?
  16. 1 point
    Doing this race first person in a monster truck made me very dizzy... although it could have been the weed...
  17. 1 point
    yea, we'll see how much longer... gtagrl already took precautions and joined chronic kings ... and i'm fixin' to transfer my 2nd account to nextgen here in a bit... time to bring willy d and trejo into next gen... my goal is ice cube and danny trejo, we'll see how close i can get with those faces ... ice cube is my goal, but i'll settle for denzel or dr. dre or something... i'm gonna take my time in the creator...
  18. 1 point
    heres some shit bone's car kuz being epic then this started happening
  19. 1 point
    A load more from the past week (still on story mode).
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    I just can't help myself... almost forgotten how to shoot using a gun... Misty pier... Sun strike... Pier again... Vineyard at night... Illuminating cloud... Aaaand another sunset one...
  22. 1 point
    shit still happening on ps3 drunk depressed cheech afk cheech being raped by bmx good times
  23. 1 point
    A few more ps4 pics me and my wife took last night
  24. 1 point
    City night glow... Eerie... Just before sunrise... One of QD's mottos... Eyes... Eyes II... Self explanatory... Rooftop...