For the longest time now I have had nothing crazy happen in my dreams. I used to have all sorts of creative dreams when I was younger, nightmares too. But it's been years since I can recall the last time I had a nightmare. And when I say nothing crazy happens, my dreams are usually current issues going on in my life playing out in a way, or just things that could certainly happen in real life based off things that have or are happening, but something I might not do.
For example, I have dreams of me texting when I'm worried about someone or something is going on with them and my main form of contact with them has been with them on the phone. I'll dream about myself with other people doing regular every day things. I'll dream about me fighting or yelling at family that I never have or never would do that too, but that's just all it is. I even had an inception style dream where I woke up and did exactly what I would do if I were at my grandparents (shower first then breakfast), then I actually woke up again irl.
I'd say my dreams went from what dreams are always looked at (crazy or fun etc.) to just my mind sorting things out or imagining how things could go down (which is what many say is the reason behind dreams). But they're not all that fun or creative anymore from the ones I do remember. Anyone else have this?