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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/15 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    damn, jason, you're quick with them videos... here's my pics... we found the mothership, mann!! more believers... my vegetable oil vessel... can't remember who's camper this is, but i got a couple cool shots of it... we got dat fire, yo... weev, sparking another owl... dup in cool lighting... hippy shoes... the oil vessel, again... that rug really tied the lobby together... supplies, mother fucker... the rest are random shenanigans... cheech... the store was out of papers, so we revolted... dio had to take a quick snack break, because he's old... i got a quick peek at graffitigirl's panties while we waited... dio's old guy telling cops to get off his lawn... i got some vines i'll upload later... maybe there's enough to the glitch video to make an actual video, lol...
  2. 4 points
    BAD to the BONES The mess we made Ferret girl shooting out the buzzard R2D2 was flying Beautiful Last night was tooo funny
  3. 4 points
    highlights from the first play list the way i started crew night lol bmx vs me part 2
  4. 3 points
    better luck next week ghostperson BMX doing his rain dance or something fem-bones Kacey, Dup, Ace, Bones I figured I'd get a selfie cause I dropped 20g's on those stupid smiley contact lenses bmx bones Kacey, Jason, Dup and BMX playing King of the hippy bus. No one won Kacey logged off and her NPC got ran over by Weev a few times I'm also happy to see when she finally died (took about 3 times running her over) that their bodies say on the ground again Weev And of course the lobby eventually descended into chaos.
  5. 3 points
    BMX glitching through a thing I had more but forgot to upload them before switching accounts good to see dup, casey and jason again. And even ghostman for the 2 minutes I actually talked to him
  6. 3 points
    man it feels good to be back!!! a few snaps from tonight, videos will be posted later tonight
  7. 3 points
    me and my brother, drinking around the campfire last weekend with a party of about 30. good times
  8. 2 points
    I was only there for 3 hours, but i got some highlights from shenanigans and playlist 1.
  9. 1 point
    i bet i could shoot a rocket over that mountain... here's another vine of me and bmx going on an epic ride with ace... https://vine.co/v/ezzP69er2rF
  10. 1 point
    Contact lenses?! And coloured hair...mannnn...
  11. 1 point
    here's a vine of that fence glitching thingy we were doing ... http://vine.co/v/eulUzrQ63p9
  12. 1 point
    here is the whole race from the first playlist, way to much action not to show it all
  13. 1 point
    It's a little late now, but, maybe go brick-and-mortar, next time. Everyone can spare ten minutes to swing by Gamestop. There really isn't any advantage to ordering a disc copy online. While I'm at it, there isn't any advantage to buying the Steam version, either. A disc is so much more convenient, if something goes wrong and you have to completely reinstall the game.
  14. 1 point
    ^ That! Also if you haven't watched the 4 leaked episodes, I suggest you don't. I'm too eager to see how the coming events unfold. I'll be re-watching all the episodes every Sunday/Monday.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Hey !!! Finally got the PC version !!! Did some snaps last night:
  17. 1 point
    Yeah I've used all those options and played around with it a lot. I was talking about a full blown mission editor capable of setting objectives that must be completed etc (objects picked up, or people eliminated) The one in flashpoint was bad ass in that you could setup missions just like the real game for single player or multi (not just limited to the two mp options) It would be really cool to see a mod for that if rockstar wont ever release something to do that with. im curious to see what we can do with director mode in those ways. @the editor badass! im excited to play around with it some. i got a tracking number today. R* should offer a special edition version on a cool shaped USB thumb drive (maybe a V and one end plugs in?) for this PC version.
  18. 1 point
    PC and new-gen features like video editing and streaming are tempting, but better suited for hardcore fans running their own YT/Twitch channel and looking for subs... I was moaning the other day about how long it took to save and back-up my Snapmatic gallery, which still doesn't compare to the volume of pics to manage weekly back when I was still participating in forum matches. It all looks like a lot of fun, and it would be tempting to get it on PC if I had a worthy one...but generating video is a huge time commitment (capture, edit, audio, post & share, repeat to keep fresh). Instead I'll just look forward to enjoying what other PC gamers will put together.
  19. 1 point
    stuck bagger is stuck bmx and his chin from one of dups interior jobs truth truth with the plate and parking job, big boss stands on top bones and cheech
  20. 1 point
    Pleased with my new purchase...liek angels sang and a rainbow came out...(of the closet) I had this perfectly hilarious shot lined up, of a chick smoking, with her elbow bent and hand sticking out holding the cig, juxtaposing the mounted gun behind her to a tee...and just when I snapped the pic, she fucking finishes her smoke and goes to drop it on the ground. Light and shadows This is me with my Sprunk edition Mallard while working on the knife flights trophy. Trevor has Constanza'd this parking spot Setting the mood... Shiny coloured lights are pretty when you're wasted... A Portrait Study of W7_General and His Big Gun (and Flare Gun too) Sure, we can repair that... Making new #CRKS friends, meet Blazed and Aguilar...
  21. 1 point
    bmx jumping a thing an old dirty bastard with his slut