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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/15 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Memed a couple of recent snaps, I always exit SP so quick I forget to do it at the time.... Principe Lectro Ride The Swirl Michael's front yard, spawned there to find vehicles as is...time to fire the valet, clearly... Throwback Mondays...from last night. Here's W7General in my Peyote and bOnEsy in crew blue... A pic by W7General, of bOnEsy's car...before and after shot...
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Latest from myself... View from one of my apartments: DO look down!
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I was bored. Then I drank gin, played the Dubliners and sent 14 selfies to my boss. Including: Ha ha. Fucking lol. Can't
  6. 1 point
    need to post some picks before i delete some of them... i've been slacking in that department, been deleting a bunch of them before posting them... i don't even care about saving them anymore... too much work... should of posted this one yesterday ... me and wendy looking fierce... they didn't stand a chance... rolling with madmonkey and manny2shoes... ran into a used13 look-alike (you wouldn't know who that was unless you follow him on twitter)... dr. friedlander is no more... meltdown premier... random kuruma pic i thought looked cool at the time... the big score... inside the foundry (please tell me you checked this spot dup, before they patched the glitching?!?) the showdown... devin weston's tornado... took it for a spin, with him still in the trunk... taco... dunno, lol... --- a few pics last night on PS3 with gtagrl... my hotknife... triplestack and the general... EXPLOSIONS!!!!1!! lastgen bedroom... the blinds aren't even open ...
  7. 1 point
    I think this looks ok for male students. It goes with the school girl look anyway. Shame you cant change pants though. I think bOnEs looks Harvard, and DiO's looks Bullworth. The car salesman look to me is the old man wearing it. Either way i like both. The attire: Outfits: Heist Tuxedos: The Benifit Smart Shoes: Chocolate Oxfords Accessories: Ties: Stone Skinny Tie
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Made this a few days ago to test out the video editor camera modes. Nothing fancy. I made another to test camera movement between points but haven't uploaded it. The distance limits from your character kind of suck. The end cuts off right as Franklin gets "too far".
  10. 1 point
    I figured out how to do a snapmatic selfie where you can get your whole body in the shot.