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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/15 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Class photos from BMX suiting up Professor Doug (ace) is unhappy with dup Crest thing. Doug got confused on where to point Crest thing with dead bones Dup creeping bones Weev austin powers'd my bike very austin powers'd Bone's had penetrating R2d2midget/AM Radio with the logo on someone on fire riding bitch with Weev cheech and AM Radio AM radio got a vid of Jason's trailer park LTS uploading. It was pretty cool. FIgured he'd want to see that. ill post later
  2. 5 points
    so tonight was a bit different... it had a different vibe for some reason, and we welcomed back an oldie to mix, jizzy, who was there for the 2nd half! nonetheless, here's my snaps, i'll have short videos to add later ... so we start the night off with professor davenport once again coming to work drunk, disregarding the parking rules... he also spotted some of us drinking and smoking under the bleachers... professor ricky showed up to not break it up, but to partake in said rule breaking... iGTA class of 2015 (those missing too long to list)... cheech, weev, bones, bmx, r2d2, ace, dup, dio... the freshman, dup... he snuck out before we could haze him... he did get a good one in on a fellow junior tho... random faculty parking... we found professor davenport passed out... he was late to class, ended up running over some poor student on his way in... the logo looked sick, didn't get enough times to rock it, we'll have to leave it up for a bit... yuuuup.... dup professing his love to his fellow frat member, dio... a good view of the campus... anyone for a free parachute ride?? it results in this; wowww.... dio going for the ultimate plunge (i'll have a successful vine of this soon!) you're god damn right... yuup... with jizzy, R2, and cheech... throw in weev with the headphones... bmx love you long time, cheech... i missed my shot at all the jetski's out there, so i settled for this cop behind his ride ...
  3. 4 points
    need to post some picks before i delete some of them... i've been slacking in that department, been deleting a bunch of them before posting them... i don't even care about saving them anymore... too much work... should of posted this one yesterday ... me and wendy looking fierce... they didn't stand a chance... rolling with madmonkey and manny2shoes... ran into a used13 look-alike (you wouldn't know who that was unless you follow him on twitter)... dr. friedlander is no more... meltdown premier... random kuruma pic i thought looked cool at the time... the big score... inside the foundry (please tell me you checked this spot dup, before they patched the glitching?!?) the showdown... devin weston's tornado... took it for a spin, with him still in the trunk... taco... dunno, lol... --- a few pics last night on PS3 with gtagrl... my hotknife... triplestack and the general... EXPLOSIONS!!!!1!! lastgen bedroom... the blinds aren't even open ...
  4. 2 points
    here's a vine of our pool jumping, the super extreme pool jump ... https://vine.co/v/ea67PYUE2u0
  5. 2 points
    I actually put some time into this but there are still some parts I don't like and couldn't get the camera to move correctly. When Pigs Fall... The more I use the Rockstar Editor the more I hate it. I couldn't get shots from the police helicopter or closeups of the officers since they were "too far away".
  6. 2 points
    I was bored. Then I drank gin, played the Dubliners and sent 14 selfies to my boss. Including: Ha ha. Fucking lol. Can't
  7. 1 point
    If I'm not mistaken, that's the beach club around Pacific Bluffs northwest of LS. Part of the Finale Option C takes place out front (or starts there).
  8. 1 point