but tuesdays are content days!!?!?! lol oh well...
here's my snaps... not bad for a broken fucking night... in the latter parts, i actually hung out with scotty and bigboss's friends... quite entertaining as they got upset that the old white guy was leaving ... but anywho, here's my pics...
bmx night was missing the flair (wooooo!) as usual...
weev ace dio...
with R2, this is when the servers started fucking up...
managed to get something going later... bmx in the bmx park...
weev and bmx...
bmx sticking a landing ...
fucking A, weev in my best shot of the night...
bmx fail, again ...
bigboss joins, which adds to the night... we did heists after, and i met a whole new crowd of funny people...
after the heists, i hung out with people from a different circle... no idea who they were, but my old dude was quite the hit, and i was quite the hit, as per usual... the beach party consisted of bigboss, scotty, ladyace, miszvick, modernmaine, magicman, etc...
fun night, made the most out of nothing... but lately, i've gotten used to hanging out with complete strangers, so tonight was nothing different to me... igta might becoming a shell of what it used to be, but i continue to run into people who still play the hell out of it... hopefully i can bring a few to the tuesday night side ...