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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/15 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
    Played with Dirty_Worka (he's very active on Twitter and Twitch) and some of his Reaper Lords crew members, the few remaining MC members still active on the PS3, the LS chapter. Dirty's in the skull mask, the others are Lord_Blak-Hat, SpiderJr92 and BogusPacino. Dirty portrait
  3. 2 points
    Last night was fun! Glitched into some interiors, did a playlist, and got to meet Kuz. Even got some cool photos. Delilah is in a police lineup Delilah pleads her innocence by accusing an invisible wizard of being the culprit! Suddenly, Weev Crashes through the ceiling! Pleads with her interrogators Delilah fingers Trevor! Trevor Phillips, the invisible meth wizard, now being processed. Justice has been served... probably. The End.
  4. 1 point
    I've created this thread to document the build of my Rat Rod (Rusty Hot Rod) So far I've got a Drive train and a steering wheel, I soon hope to procure a frame from a small truck (or fab my own) and a cab. This is going to be a great experience and i hope to learn a lot, i know it'll be worth it in the end. I'm going for a look like this. If you're a car person and you've got something you're working on post er here
  5. 1 point
    Sadly, not any more. I did until 2 years ago when all the extras (food, suplements, eqipment) got too expensive for my incomes. I miss it, I still workout, but with limited investment in proper food. How about you?
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Winter is coming...to Westerlosantos.
  8. 1 point
    We were, when I first finally managed to join Dirty's session...he was complaining about cheaters because we were in a lobby where targeting was locked on Traditional GTA style, no other options were selectable...so freeaim was off for some and on for others. After a while in the modder/hacker lobby we went into our own separate session to get away from the morons.
  9. 1 point
    i played with dirty today in his live stream ... he was chasing dots in a public freeaim so i joined in and blew up a number of people using rockets and sticky bombs... were you in a public freeaim lobby with these guys, too??
  10. 1 point
    should of taken a leap of faith anyways ...
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    "Excuse me, your conveyor belt is a bit dirty, would you mind wiping it?" Certainly, ma'am. *mists belt with cleaner, thoroughly wipes, finishes order; residual moisture remains* next cunt-stomer customer approaches "Hey, this belt is WET, are you gonna dry it??" Should I begin to hate all human beings or just retail work?
  13. 1 point
    after i got to play with rockstar in their stream, i got to hang out with my iGTA fam... dozy pleading his case.... weev enters the picture (like this one BTW)... and this one ... R2 in the BG... i dunno lol, i found it in my gallery... i got pretty drunk last night ... that golden ride...
  14. 1 point
    I decided to start playing W3 like AC... Unfortunately there were no conveniently placed hay piles on the ground...
  15. 1 point
    I was dealing with a trio of Tribals at the mansion in Point Lookout when, in perfect, demonic unison, they all spouted "DEATH TO THE UNENLIGHTENED". Welp, time to while away the wait on some NV instead.
  16. 1 point
    Well, I thought the BE3 presentation was fucking awesome. While watching the whole thing, I couldn't take enough notes. So many cool things to explore and do.... There are many who complain, but I prefer to praise Bethesda for their work. GFX, modding, construction, inter-action.... (WTF @ Psy on Twitter! "It looks like a Fallout 3 mod") I am totally looking forward to the Fallout 4 experience in November.
  17. 1 point
    i didn't feel like i needed to start a new topic, so i slightly edited the OP to add in today ... and boy, tonight was a pretty good turnout... we saw some familiar faces, and we saw some old faces... and then we saw, KUZ!!! welcome to the darkside!! here's my pics... and to be honest, we're all wearing the same mask in the pics to show unity for the creator that was broken in the latest update... if you didn't know, there's no more prop stacking, and R* is fumbling trying to figure out what happened... and clearly our iGTA community is big into job creation so this effected us in a big way... so we all donned the mask and showed our support, along with other creator crews, because iGTA cares ... my entry deserves a ton of likes, and has already gotten mad props from the guys at the top of this movement... so please, hit the link and give it some likes as well http://rsg.ms/e887753 i took a few more too ... we were showing kuz the mine shaft, that last gen didn't know about... that's kuz, crouched down by the bike... i like the non-flaming one, but for some reason, this one is the one getting the likes ... here's BMX's contribution to the creator movement, taken at carhenge, a job that's impossible to make now...
  18. 1 point
    i am finally level 32, and getting close to the end of the main story, i have started fighting the wild hunt, they are badass
  19. 1 point
    dude, dio, you won the magnificent team snap contest with your i'll gotten brains!!! they're trying to get hold of you on twitter!! fucking awesome!
  20. 1 point
    but that's been the point of public lobbies, ever since GTAIV... i can't count how many times i spawned at the fucking airport with a pistol to shoot each other over and over for 10 minutes... at least we have cool weapons and vehicles and tactics to attack these dots.. no more spending your time at the airport because the lobby you jumped in forced you to be there... GTAO has a come a long fucking way IMO... i got no beef with that, it's the new shitty content i have issue with...
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    the shirts look exactly the same as they do in the store, with the small words underneath the logo saying something different... the only more differently looking one was the Dix shirt changed to Dis... again, meh.. i was expecting something cooler than that... but that's too much to ask for from a DLC that lacked in the first place anyways... it seems like a clever trick to get people to spend all their money... they must be taking hits in the shark card department lately and needed to do something to help those sales...
  23. 1 point
    ok igta army, spam like this one http://rsg.ms/8ae86f5 it's dio's old guy titled, "The Original Gangsta..."