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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/15 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Dup BMX lmfao The thing falling The dup falling The bones falling The sun falling
  2. 3 points
    well, usually when a plane crashes into a car, the plane wins ... can't wait to hang with you on newgen, whenever that may be, grrrl ... i just don't think i can go back to lastgen... the last couple of times have been unbearable outside of chatting with you... the servers are horrible, the game runs so damn slow, which will be the first thing you'll notice when venturing online for the first time on newgen... soon, grl... soon... ----------- here's a video of dup's parkour match... sadly, dup got dropped after the 1st job so he didn't get to partake in this parkour... it was pretty fun tho, i think it might of been the best one yet!
  3. 2 points
    An Instagram post from Sean Fonteno just popped up on my Facebook feed teasing story DLC. I'm on my mobile but someone may be able to find it and link it quicker than I can. Edit: Found it - https://instagram.com/p/4T8tHcEfx5/
  4. 1 point
    At a Korean joint across town, I got a pile of hot grilled beef, a fresh salad, some sushi, white rice, and an assortment of pickles for 7.99: ...while my girlfriend received a bowl of...this, for 8.50. Now that's value.
  5. 1 point
    Thank you very much, feel free to drop them onto your desktop. Since I don't have the brain for a DSLR, I have to settle for the next best replacement for a proper macro lens; magnifying lens rings that screw onto your objective. I found one of these sets for cheap locally: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=855634&gclid=CPm-udmiq8YCFQ-PaQodciEGHQ&is=REG&m=Y&A=details&Q= There might be a similar gadget for zoom, try looking for "telephoto lens adapter [your lens diameter in mm]" on Google. Also, thank you, bOnEs. Brian might have some skill, I just have a camera that does a nice job.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    The government would just tax and regulate the fuck out of it anyway. It would probably make it more expensive. How many people do you know who got arrested for smoke that wasn't driving around smoking it like an idiot? I don't mind it being illegal, especially around here. The cops give zero fucks about it.
  8. 1 point
    I thought Canada was already a de facto legal locale. Isn't weed pretty much tolerated by your law enforcement? Law enforcement, I'd say they tolerate recreational use, to a point...they do go after gangs trafficking large quantities of it, along with guns and way harder shit. Government, not so much. This current government is incapable of seeing weed objectively, they're too caught up in the partisan rhetoric. Our current government just got smacked hard on the nose by our Supreme Court over medical marijuana restrictions...get this...they argued that the only way patients should be allowed to take their legal, prescribed marijuana, was dried stuff you have to smoke; they wanted to block it being dispensed in oils, edibles etc. Medical weed. Medicine. Used for cancer patients, people with tremors, suffering chronic pain, PTSD, epilepsy and more. The ones that are doing it on the record, with the help of doctors with guts enough to step up and write the scrips, who want an alternative to strong addictive narcotics with side effects. So, the Supreme Court basically said NO, if a patient is being prescribed medicine, they get to be able to take it in other ways than one, since smoking doesn't necessarily work for everybody and alternatives are available. In reply, the health minister said she was outraged by their decision and took a shot at the third party leader (he has pretty hair, and they like to pick on him) saying he wanted to put drugs in the hands of children. The fact that her rebuttal has nothing to do with the issue at hand shows how far off they are. And that's the bajillionth time the SC has basically told them to sit down. It'd be nice to have an adult open conversation about legalization in Canada. Not gonna happen till Legohead isn't in charge anymore.
  9. 1 point
    did you ever think it would lose?
  10. 1 point
    Last night turned out to be a bit of a throwback for me... I've been working on 100% & trophy stuff lately, so spending more time in SP than in GTAO (usually alone in an invite-only)...but got online last night and found RandallPink (bOnEs might recognize the name), he's nacholancer's brother, one of the gang I've been hanging out with on old-gen and have done most of the heists with...and one of the few still left on last-gen. Anyway, I was in a public lobby chasing crate drops, RandallPink got dropped into the same session, and we hung out for the evening. He still hasn't managed to complete the final heist, we did try to round up a foursome but didn't have any luck, so we went back to the open lobby and just chilled...with his help, I got the Enema T-shirt (forgot to take a pic), he kindly called a mugger on me so I could get the Full Refund trophy, which was one of the few I have left...then we helped each other with the three daily objectives to get the $25,000 bonus. One of mine was "Complete a Land Race," so I perused my bookmarked jobs, launched one of BMX's stunting jobs to show it off to him, then we ended up in a job queue and did a bunch of the old favourites & moneymaking grinder jobs with a bunch of randoms. I haven't done that in ages. Felt like old times. I've started price comparison shopping for consoles, but am torn...I've waited this long, so it's a toss-up between getting a bundle very soon () or sucking it up and waiting a few more months for a memory upgrade / price drop / extra accessories / special edition bundle to come out...
  11. 1 point
    Here's my video. I couldn't get back in to the playlist last night, kept saying it was full, not sure if you had any 8 player games. Was tired anyway since it was 2am by the time we started. I'll be back in next week, and i'll try and get a new headset.
  12. 1 point
    Cristal and Ace of Spades Fuck yeah! thank you decon and thank you fiddlers
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point