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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    You did a good job not posting all this year Vicey. But i guess no one can resist Fallout! So is this the last we'll see of you until RDR2(next) or will you be back to your old self? (i fucking missed you maaaan) In other news. The fan who posted over 2000 bottle caps to Bethesda, will be getting a free copy of FO4!
  2. 2 points
    This will be my GotY hands down, unless Red Dead drops which it won't, even if it did... I don't know which would win. If there's one thing I love it's building shit, and it looks like building shit is going to be a big thing in this game. And it's a shame that Shelter game isn't on android, looks fucking great.
  3. 1 point
    I've often "thot" it would be nice to have an auction system for people to sell their old cars to others, you could potentially end up getting more money back than selling at LS customs and it allows poor people a chance to get a supercar on the cheap. It'll never happen though because R* wouldn't see any of that cash. And the idea of purchasable mansions with helipads wouldn't really work because multiple people could own the same house and be forced to share helipads, meaning one person's heli/hydra would override the rest. My idea for that would be to have a new helicopter garage (some might say hangar) interior with the door in the roof. It would make sense for the current apartments but for mansions it might seem a bit Thunderbirds having some underground heli cave, also i'm not sure how it would work with Pegasus. Those are my thots, please respect them like the strong black independent women that they are.
  4. 1 point
    You can save at any time. You should save at all times.
  5. 1 point
    *bump* Oh hi there... Don't worry, i'm not really here. I'm still dead, honest! Put your penii/vulva away, a severe and merry ball cupping day to you all. Anyway, enough of that, just thought i'd make a random appearance to regale y'all with my car collection. My three garages are somewhat ordered; supercars and classics in garage one, muscle etc. in garage two, sports and missile-anus in garage three. Garage one - (there's no image limit any more? Then i'll add the rest.) Garage two (actually three lololololol fuck you etc.) - Garage threetwo - And with that *cough* my time is nigh, goodbye everyone... tell your mothers I love them. *splutter*
  6. 1 point
    Great article. It'll all be as it should be, within ten years. It's falling into place, slowly but surely. Meanwhile, here's the current situation in the States:
  7. 1 point
    http://harpoon2015.ca/topics/marijuana/ Here's a good overview of the current political situation in Canada.