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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/15 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Here's that hand dovetailed jewellery box I mentioned the other day EDIT: These photos are pre-finished, I need to take one with the finish applied still
  2. 4 points
    what with weev's driving, there was no way any weev was going to make it to the car meet without a couple bumps. WeevGrl is a tad embarrassed The burning of the Weevs Weevs Weevboy Capn'Weev and Weevzor ...Weev WeevGrl then some other shit
  3. 3 points
    Let me tell you.... ...About herpes also, I want to take this moment to point out dup looked more like Gunther than Beev You're Beev! No you're Beev!!!!
  4. 2 points
    DiO, your shot of us through the Von Crastenburg hotel doors is priceless. Weevapallooza Selfies at the house party...currently playing song: Danger Zone WeevDiO and Weevboy During the ram-the-shopping-carts portion of the evening, I ragdolled and skidded on the pavement the length of two parking spaces...it left a remarkable blood trail... From the DM inside the Von Crastenburg, with miniguns... Blue helmets keep you safe Will the real Weev please stand up? Only the most authentic mustache will do... Dat chest hair tho... I lost my front door key... bowling pics Time to get different cars out for some air Inside the airport tower restaurant... ...where you're forced to crouch-walk or disappear into the floor... These pics don't do it justice, I might have some video of it... A fun night for sure.
  5. 2 points
    the gathering of weevs (ha, i see the fence in this shot)... dio loitering in between cars... well after my failed attempt at a car/character lineup... this'll have to do lol... the man of the hour... dup and fanboy... weev and grl... PARTY FOUL!! weev and grl, again... grl... mega mall madness!! ... grl... half-dup... grl... --- congrats to weev tho!! he won every job, and swept every playlist!! it's the best showing i've ever seen on a crew night... he was unstoppable!!
  6. 1 point
    [Freebird softly plays in the background]
  7. 1 point
    Weev'Stash Night Weev Creeper Suicide Weev Boob Weev Fan Weev Classic Weev Old Weev Burning of Weev Every Weev's a winner Weev Bowling Danger Weev Tourist Weev
  8. 1 point
    the vines ... drift bowling... https://vine.co/v/ejgFmhpr5ZH my epic 1st place finish!! ... https://vine.co/v/ejg9FO0FPbt
  9. 1 point
    Took Franklin around the entire map in singleplayer last night, trying to get used to driving in FPV. I might....might...be able to get used to driving in FP, but deathmatches will still be painful if the camera is locked. Still enjoying the sights of Los Santos on next-gen, noticing the improved graphics and new details that aren't present on previous-gen. In true GTA fashion, I only drove whatever passed me by. Found a Coil Voltic, thought it could use some air... And later decided to play with filters... And suddenly my gallery is full again. I'll have to clear some room before tonight's mustachenanigans!
  10. 1 point
    Hey guys, did some shots these days... Soon i'll have to delete some... Almost reaching the 96 limit... :/ Thanks to the Heists 2x, i was able to finally buy a T20: I don´t know if anyone here knows Donnie Darko movie but it´s a movie i really like and decided to make this Snap based on some of the movie quotes... Basically, the main guy is schizophrenic and one day he wakes up hearing voices, he follows the voices and finally reach a man in a bunny suit who tells him that the world is going to end in 28 days, 06 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds... While he´s out talking to the bunny, a plane engine falls over his house and smash his room but there was no plane flying over his house that day... It´s a very good and insane movie about time travel, parallel universes and such things... And the last one... Well, i never been much into mods on PC, specially because i was afraid of being banned but when i saw that someone did a Nissan Skyline mod, i HAD to test it !!!
  11. 1 point
    Photoshoot with a friend today