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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Despite the shit connections and me being distracted with work, the one playlist wat quite fun. Hosted by gtagrl for a change too. that was cool
  2. 1 point
    This show really pushes them interracial relationships... Second episode much better then the first. This family actually seems semi-competent which I was not expecting at all. Except for the lead actors son (not the druggie). He needs to die as soon as possible.
  3. 1 point
    Formerly known as Zidane, of GTA-Gaming. You may have seen her in male form, adorned with assorted GTA-related merchandise. That image has been floating around our forums for years because it's hilarious.
  4. 1 point
    Liberty City waste management, lacking any kind of city dump, simply moves the garbage to places it's less likely to be noticed.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    For a brief moment, all the herbs went to my head! A quick and dirty paint job on my Kuruma to make it more bacon-esque...will finesse it at a later time...(i.e. when bOnEs isn't patiently sitting in the car with me in the mod shop ) So we now have beer'n'bacon editions of the armoured Kuruma!
  7. 1 point
    I took exactly three photos last night, during our most laid-back, unplanned, did-only-one-playlist crew night. I am still smarting from the epic derpage that allowed me to accidentally not save the trash outfit...one with a tank top, no less. Here's a snap of all the cars we kept stealing to drive back to the jump-off point...Taco Trucks - drive'em if you've got one! The guy on the ground that bOnEs couldn't see, but that Fanboy, Weev and I could... This seemed appropriate, with all the sirens and shenanigans going on in the background It just wasn't a snapmatic kind of night. I promise to take more next time.