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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/15 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Good times✌ Since Halloween is quickly approaching (yay) may I suggest a "freak show" theme night?!? PLEASEEEEE ✌
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    poor gtagrl, gotta figure out dem router issues... NAT errors all night!! ... --- i'm sorry, but i might have gone overboard!! good thing i made tons of room in the gallery ... seriously, the editor has changed crew nights forever... every moment is captured now, provided someone is recording... i went thru 40 clips, and found so much content i was blown away!! here's my snaps, they get better further in ... --- so we begin the night in lago zancudo, with dup, casey, dio, and me... couldn't help but snap this majestic view... a slightly buzzed weev joins the party... me and casey breaking barriers... apparently i was driving a carboat... this is what happened when i tried to put it in the water... at da beach... bmx hoppin'... casey and dup... me and diogrl having an intimate moment... bmx landing on the roof, like he does it all the time, no problem... a snap during ikillyou's downhill jam... fookin' epic, m8... the mint 400... R2 is already pissed at kuz's sandy granger anger race, and it's hasn't even started... --- THE EDITOR WAS MADE JUST FOR THIS JOB!!! BMX's NITRO CIRCUS!! ... --- dio's rebel without a cause race... the epic ending to BMX's rapid rivers... house party at gtagrl's!! w/ gtagrl, casey, weev, dio, dup, me, killyou, bmx, fanboy... climbing mt. gordo, with ikillyou... me, casey, and killyou... weev and dio, with bmx in his sandking in the BG... aaaaaaand, gtagrl ... --- fun night tho, it seems like we all had a good time, even weev, who was off doing his own thing most of the night!! ...
  4. 2 points
    Late to the party, but sorry for your loss, Bones. It's fucking tough. This was Buzz. Greatest dog you could hope for. He passed over Easter this year. I have two new Goldens now, but I don't have any photos on my PC so I will post them tomorrow or something. Edit: Who am I kidding? I have nothing else to do. Candy (front) is 11, and her daughter Bella is 6.
  5. 1 point
    ... http://vine.co/v/eQv27aKew92
  6. 1 point
    My new tv setup. Planning on getting some surround sound soon.
  7. 1 point
    Halloween night sounds like a plan Casey! Still 3-4 crew nights away though, but definitely on the cards. Here's a couple of short clips. I dunno why i use youtube for them, but here they are:
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    inb4 you use it as a butt plug.
  10. 1 point
    Mmmmm love it when the fries still have the skin...
  11. 1 point
    A few I've taken over the past couple of months... Liverpool Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr Liverpool Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr (yes, I like taking photos of Cathedral roofs/ceilings!) Liverpool Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr Liverpool Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr Manchester Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr Wet Liverpool by Shabbagaz, on Flickr Ice Cream Vans by Shabbagaz, on Flickr Preston Docks sunset by Gary Bond, on Flickr Preston Docks sunset by Shabbagaz, on Flickr Ribble Estuary by Shabbagaz, on Flickr