TUE OCT 6 - 6PM (EST) 11PM (GMT) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, user create jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Stay as long as you like, but please share your experience here with us for all to enjoy! Pics, videos, stories... Crew Nights are always told from multiple viewpoints, so please tell us your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so we can try and get it into a playlist! --- Theme: Crew Blue Night... we haven't done one of these in a about a month or so... so break out the blues, and break out your "crew blue" car for a car meet... we haven't done one of those since the editor update, i bet we could get some nice shots if we have a solid lineup... and yes, CREW BLUE color, i noticed some of you just have blue as a color... kinda bothers me when i see 'em in the crew car lineup, they stand out because they don't match... it looks bad in photos IMO... spend some money and change the color to our color please...
and if you gots dem new jobs, be sure to mention it... we've also got some event ideas lined up for later this month as well... we'll probably have a halloween night the week of, and i am working on an iGTA MC logo, so perhaps next week we could have a biker night ...
--- Guidelines: * Join the iGTA community here, or befriend one of us to join the Crew. * Add some of us on the Playstation Network to get invited. * You can join whenever, but the earlier the better. Ask for an invite if you want in. * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. * NO CREW KILLING (unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon) * NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS during competitive play. It ruins the balance of the matches. * NO CONSUMING OF SNACKS during competitive play. Be a man and die with honor. * No going off-radar in competitive matches. * Don't ruin someone's Photo or Video if they're trying to set something up. ...we'll add more as we go if needed.