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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    this was another fun night ... here's a few pics from the start of the evening, becuase it's late and i don't have time to sort thru the rest... there were still pics and videos left in my gallery from the hydra/maverick fun, the cave stuff, and of course, the derka things... but here's part of the crew blue stuff... gangsta bones and asian dio... tha meet, with killyou and dup... tha cruise... after a freemode jab... jumping out of the detonating maverick... ramping off a cliff... --- aaaaand fin... like i said, there's still quite a few videos left to sort thru ... i spy a few vines in there as well...
  2. 2 points
    Some PS3 pics... ^trying to jump the fence into the airport... cliche cliche ^I liked the colors for some reason. ^This would probably look a lot better on new-gen. ======================================================================= And some PC pics. Most of these were taken a while ago... ^under the map in interiors ^havoc at Fort Zancudo ... ^Actually used the R* editor for this.
  3. 1 point
    Fucking awesome shots, Dup - I love everything you did there with depth of field and filters. I won't have much this week, since I was tied up with baking and didn't get a chance to clear space in my clip gallery before joining. I did post a couple of PS4 shares to Twitter though, will add them here later. Also, no mic problems, fortunately, the static IP and port forwarding seems to have fixed it.
  4. 1 point
    The Crew Cruise Manhunting The sacrificial burning The Animals Oxfords not brogue. Slice & Dice time Kill's Gladiator run Short clips coming up next... DiOreon went AFK BMX got knocked the fuck out!
  5. 1 point
    Vinnie, an indoor cat, expanding his mind with fresh outdoor air and fresh outdoor catnip: He did not want to go back inside after this. Big mistake.
  6. 1 point
    Might be a bit late joining, just gotta have a quick bite and put the finishing touches on my lemon tarts from yesterday ...will be on as soon as I can. (Will post pics of the tarts too.)
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    The only decent dive bomb pic I could get. to get any better ones, we will need save clip on death. im down for it sometime Running over weev on fuck around island And Casey Blew bones's jet up with a sticky. No better pic of the explosion tho. just looked wonky Zapper things doing zappy stuff Running over weev again Diving off my Spiral Barge This time, Weev and Bones forgot how to dive Found it amusing how many facial expressions happen in one gesture. Never noticed before Dups Monorail that is all
  9. 1 point
    some snaps from tonight... the video clips were worth possibly saving, but this is pretty much all i could muster up as far as snaps go... fun evening tho, played some new jobs, etc... me and casey... i gotta find a better backdrop for this kind of shot ...
  10. 1 point
    Hey guys, i've been a bit off these days... The only snap i took it was this eagle a week ago... I always wanted to take a snap of it but never got a good angle... Editor made it easy...
  11. 1 point
    Spent a bit more time in the Editor last night...still have to get the knack of making videos I'm happy with. In the meantime, here are some snaps from A Titan of a Job: DiO, KILL and Delilah The Russians are coming! IKILLYOU bathed in blue DiO keeping a firm grip on things We don't need shirts to kick ass Titanesque escort R2 piloting the stunt plane
  12. 1 point
    the look on this chicks face lol some duke of death headlights on the top actually work explosions are fun with god mode on Played a bit as a huge bitch Buddy hit the ground before his hat
  13. 1 point
    A few snaps with Babe-alicious...will have more later... BEAUTIFUL Ladies...you just wanna cup them A nice pair She achieved liftoff, ifyouknowwhatimean Kuruma SNE (Special Nipple Edition)
  14. 1 point
    some single player snaps... inferno space ranger... trevor getting into trouble... played online with gtagrl and R2, and with a couple of randoms as we tried to fill the 4th heist spot in early on in the night... the participants were useful, which is a nice sign if you're wanting to play with randoms... here's gtagrl doing what she loves... babe-alicious in her natural environment... running missions with gtagrl and R2... taking a helicopter to trash talk... using the armored kuruma on rooftop rumble...