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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Polinko Emz falls to her doom So does Gtagrl Polinking Emz kills Bones Gun bunt Mercy with the "This is Sparta" Kick When BMX got his gas back Kill is pretty memorized Bones on fire Fireworks and jumping and stuff North hopping between buses That Fem'Weev? Me behind Convoy Cheech Cookin' up some hippy I accidentally saved this in 'Stubby Camp" but I got Bone's murdering...someone Last list of the night with BMX's Elite crew. We kinda crashed it. But it was really fun. Those jobs were awesome. Here is a Jet ski wallride
  2. 1 point
    Life's been busy - I haven't even turned on my console once since crew night. Will try to get to some pics this weekend.
  3. 1 point
    ohhh yeaaaa, i forgot you mentioned that a couple weeks ago... well that's good, makes me feel confident in maybe breaking out my other accounts for crew nights... also, i made a vine of poor cheech getting run over by the cops... he was so mad about it at the time, thinking it was one of us, but i thought it was hilarious and the clip definitely shows that ... https://twitter.com/CaPn_bOnEs/status/722814847549837312
  4. 1 point
    i mades a fallout video ... i follow and listen to a fallout podcast called "fallout off the record", and their challenge this week was to fight a yao guai with your fists... while drunk... so i said fuck it and gave it a shot... it's pretty much what i expected would happen ...
  5. 1 point
    look, I hate ni.ggers too but I'd definately fucks me some bbw.