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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Yes Rockstar FINALLY, new creator content! And big new properties! More new content coming soon: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/news/article/52611/gta-online-new-updates-coming-soon
  2. 2 points
    I made a thing. I say once we get everyone assembled we just launch this instead of trying to do airplane bullshit in freeroam. http://rsg.ms/7836c31
  3. 2 points
    I should be there emz will probably too
  4. 1 point
    soooo, uncharted 4 is pretty cool ... i made it up to chapter 9 i think, and i took snaps along the way... i wish more games had this feature, it's super convienent to pause the action and mess around with filters and various other settings to get a quick capture ... before i post the snaps tho, i gotta say, the game feels right at home... it's more of the same, it's uncharted thru and thru... the combat has changed a bit, there's even an auto-lock feature (which i did turn on but might not on my 2nd run)... i haven't really gotten into a lot of shootouts yet, but i am thinking the 2nd half will be full of that... the new rope feature is a cool addition to the platforming, so is the hill slides... over all, i'm digging it ... here's a few of my snaps (i've taken 43 already )... i hope they're not too spoilery, more locations than anything... my favorite one... sully, the legend himself ... ---- you can check out the rest of them here if you want ... i'll be uploading all of them here as i journey along... http://s54.photobucket.com/user/artistadam/library/uncharted4
  5. 1 point
    oh brother ... no sabotaging stuff, and we'll tolerate you ...
  6. 1 point
    GTA online has become more about fucking around, snaps and user created jobs for me to give a shit about a storyline. I'm sure rockstar saw this coming so they didn't bother with more of a story. Hiests were story-ish enough. Now storymode DLC, that would be nice.