no vids, here's my snaps...
me and dupz...
car lineup...
dio and dupz...
that time i punched two people at the same time...
dune racing...
all alone in bmx's race...
i spent way too much time in my garage running people over lol ...
poor kuz...
lol bmx...
my messed up garage of dupes...
bmx trying to open the trunk...
this thing got a hemi??
north standing too close to the TV... you'll go blind, dude!
tha crew (and my dale earnhart look)...
something fell off the wall, didn't know it could lol...
lol ummm...
lol dupz...
ok ok ok, back to the stunt racing stuff... there was a lot of crashing on this one...
scooter ring of fire...
and that's all, folks ... i really gotta start saving more clips during jobs ...