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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    5 minutes. And published to iGTA and both shirt lulz crews.
  2. 2 points
    Last minute post! I know I'm not captioning my pics but I have to add one here. SHAME ON YOU BONES!!!! Get rid of that crap bike and get a better, mudguard free, one!!!
  3. 2 points
    not sure about tomorrow , I have to go out of town in morning I might be back on time, will definitely be there at some point in the night
  4. 1 point
    Just posting here to fix up the order.
  5. 1 point
    the creator isn't THAT broken, i threw this together in like 30 minutes for me and wendy... all i would do is put down vehicles... trees and other props are fine, but if you're trying to build structures and and ramps and shit then you're gonna have a problem...
  6. 1 point
    ok so i was gonna clear room for tomorrow's pals meet and decided to just go thru my clips from tuesday... fuck the pond... north and me... nemo... kuz... dio... bmx... gtagrl and nemo... dup drank a bit too much... some sort of backyard party lol... race... bad ass... lulz... as is tradition, a gtagrl apartment party... cool emblem placement ... funny enough, that isn't my actual crew shirt, it's the white one with crew colored sleeves... never saw it in any clip... strange...
  7. 1 point
    These are all old skool phone snaps. It's very dark but these were shenanigans in the shallow pool Then the sun came out The doors came off... Piling up Northerngrl The discussion gets pointed #CrewBlue #selfie Roll call: Northern, Dupz, bOnEs, Kuz, DiO, BMX, RealNachoBoss and Fanboy. JFK might be in one of the cars. Pretty water Bro Love Crew Bro Love There's Nemo on the bike We ended up here at one point at the blue gloves ( North) Going to the movies to see kinky robots When daily objectives get out of hand Enjoying VIP status - Very Invincible Personnel
  8. 1 point
    i took the day off so i'm good... i can take a "nuka"-break for a few hours to MC it up... kuz made a thing too...
  9. 1 point
    fuck going thru my snaps, these topics are dead anyways, no one really cares anymore... here's another vine... there, my contribution is done...
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Sorry Weev but I don't know what your on about. The community is fine. We had about 12 people for the first playlist and a fun night. People usually play less during the summer months. I'm sure overall people play less but that is because we've all played the shit out of the game. Take a break from it if you're bored. Never a bad idea. For me, I'm doing that with the whole picture thing. I care less about it now. I took a few and I tried filming a clip but again; But the cam controls are garbage so I gave up after these 4. I miss skate. lol. But who needs my pictures? We have Nemo, Bones and North! Killing Bones after he left the lobby Nemo getting in the way of Truth's plane Also, props to BMX on his new job. It was really cool. To Dup too. Fix the slow down strips and that job will rock. Open up the other race to another stock supercar and we can then turn customs off. Maybe just have the new stunt super cars available.