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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/16 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    I played breifly from about 9pm to 10pm then felt too tired to stay longer. That unplanned maintenance truley fucked up our night of the week. I'm really looking forward to next week, providing it all goes smoothly lol. On a side note, i made a pretty cool race i'm pretty proud of. Came up with the concept whilst daydreaming at work. Hopefully we can get it in to one of next week's playlists Uranium Run A radioactive symbol shaped lap race with a mid-cross-section and peak wallrides. http://rsg.ms/3d5a921
  2. 1 point
    dude, i like that center idea...
  3. 1 point
    ^baron never know gtagrl, maybe he's trying to stake claim on a plot of land in this topic for his pics ...
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I can say with absolute certainty that there hasn't been a single update worth coming back for, in the past year or so. If you were around for heists, you've seen the only content GTAO has ever had that was worthwhile. The rest is just overpriced cars and clothing and shitty game modes that are just repackaged deathmatches, all for the purpose of pushing out shark cards that by now have made more money than the game itself has. I'm willing to bet a sizeable sum of money that this post will continue to be accurate until the GTA VI installment of GTAO, and even that's being generous. I could write a college-worthy thesis on the decline of quality and care in the video game industry, in the past ten years. It is suicidally depressing how shitty this major part of my life has become.