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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/16 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    just you wait, gtagrl ... btw, nemo, you always go above and beyond, i love your crew night contributions here ... please don't stop... i mades a video, and i have snaps to share after ... ---------- ---------- am i the only one who saw this dead guy like that?? weev going door to door... kuz is on the forensics... probably my favorite snap from the complex situation... ' partying with the informants... dapper animals leaked over... this is probably my favorite BMX snap ever ... cheech is in some deep shit here... ------- ------- fin ...
  2. 4 points
    Didn't think I took that many pics this time around but I'm still at 40 pics. I've tried something different with my captions and made a little CSI/Americas Most Wanted story here but it'll be all over the place and may not make much sense since I'm going off the pics but it should fit the theme. And so here it is: Narrator (Imagine the America's Most Wanted hosts' voice) "It started as any other day in Los Santos but this day was not to be like the rest." Exhibitionist Nemo "OH YEAH! Like what you see lady? Bring a friend..." Exhibitionist Nemo "...Ok, not what I had in mind but I'll go with it." Narrator "Only a few minutes later, tragedy began." Exhibitionist Nemo "GIMMIE ALL YOUR MONEY NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL PISTOL WHIP AND STAB YOU LIKE I DID THE GUY OUTSIDE!!" Agent BOnes "Which do you want? I like the honey glazed ones." Sheriff Dup "I prefer the one with sprinkles." Narrator "And so it the first body was found and our city's finest arrived on scene" Agent Weev "Listen up peons! We're taking over so go hand out a ticket or something, just stay out of our way." Agent Northern "LOLz" Det. GTAGrl "What do we got?" Officer Nemo "The victim was stabbed repeatedly. Witnesses say they heard him arguing about who's is bigger." Agent BOnes "Guess you could say *puts on bifocals* he got the point." Det. GTAGrl "Listen up everyone! We have a sick s.o.b. out there who loves showing himself to people then stabb...Dammit Agent BMX! You're stepping on the body again!!!" Agent BMX "You shut your mouth! I've been stepping on bodies longer than you've been alive!" Narrator "With the initial investigation done our brave men and women in blue (and black) began their search for suspects" Det. GTAGrl "Is that our first suspect?" Officer Nemo "Yes ma'am, one moment please. SIR! STOP RESISTING ARREST!!! YOU'RE ONLY MAKING IT WORSE ON YOURSELF!!!" Det. GTAGrl "He's not moving." Officer Nemo "He's ready for questioning ma'am unless, of course, you want to give it a go? He still seems a little resistant." Officer Nemo "All right rookie here's our second suspect. Let's see you question him." Officer Nemo "NO ROOKIE NO!! WE ASK OUR QUESTIONS FIRST AND THEN SHOOT!! DAMMIT! SUSPECT TWO IS DOWN, I REPEAT, SUSPECT TWO IS DOWN!!" Officer Nemo "In pursuit of suspect 3. He's driving in...uh... white...ish mule in the storm drain! Requesting backup!" Officer Nemo "Suspect 3 is now on foot! Being pursued by Officers Baya, BOnes, and myself!" Narrator "Officer Baya arrived to find suspect 4 already dead." Officer Nemo "Well shit, it's the guys from the 66th. They think they're hot shit. Fuck off! This is our turf!" Officer Nemo "Gah!!" Officer Nemo "Here comes Det. GTAGrl. She'll get rid of them" Det. GTAGrl "....ring at?" Officer Nemo "um...huh? Sorry Detective didn't catch that, I got...uh...distracted" Detective GTAGrl "Get the hell out of my crime scene...just shut up...listen, I don't care what you have to say. Just save your breath, you'll need it to blow up your dates tonight. Now fuck off." Officer Baya "...lol" Narrator "Suspect five learned the price of freedom the hard way" Narrator "With the trail going cold our officers responded to a tip matching the description of the prime suspect. Those first at the scene found themselves in a world of death and indecent exposures" Unnamed Officer "BOB! OH GOD HE GOT BOB!!" Traumatized Officer "I'm BLIND!! I...I...I saw it ALL!!! HE HID NOTHING!!!" Narrator "It wasn't long before N.O.O.S.E. was called in but they soon found out that "HE" wasn't alone..." Narrator "...and "THEY" were just as vicious." Narrator "The body count stacked high that day..." Narrator "...death on the streets and in the sky above..." Narrator "...the air filled with cries of pain and shouts for loved ones as well as a whoop of joy which shouted out "TEN POINTS FOR GETTING IT IN THE POOL!!"." Narrator "The Flash and Bang gang, which they would later be called, escaped the apartment complex where they were surrounded and made their escape in a bus." Narrator "But this was no ordinary bus. It stopped for nothing. Driving through fire and smoke..." Narrator "...over land and through the air..." Narrator "...and even underwater they kept on going." Narrator "With the police closing in Flash and Bangs called in reinforcements..." Narrator "...and so once again our brave defenders of Los Santos found themselves in a bad way." Narrator "It is unknown exactly how many died that day but those few survivors recall the sky filled with fire..." Narrator "...and the bodies of those unlucky enough to get in their way." Exhibitionist Nemo "Get the cars. It's time we head to the hideout" Narrator "They drove like they shot, without regard for any rules and with the police in pursuit" Narrator "With nowhere to run our brave officers stormed the building" Officer Nemo "You take the lead buddy. I got your back!" Officer Dup "Are you sure? I've a case of the collywobbles!" Officer Nemo "You'll be fine, I'm right behind you!" Officer Nemo "...*snif*...dammit, why'd you have to die Officer Dup! Now I have to take the lead!" Narrator "And so with his gang all killed Exhibitionist Nemo trapped on the roof played his last card..." Exhibitionist Nemo "He did it! It was all him! I swear!!" Narrator "And so the mastermind behind it all, The criminal Cheech was finally brought to justice." Innocent and Confused Cheech "Wha? What's going on guys? Want some beer?" Narrator "With so many lives lost and countless billions in property damage our brave surviving agents capture the moment for future prosperity." Agent Dio "This shit's going on Twitter! #WhoDaMan" That's all! Thanks for reading if you managed to get through it all!
  3. 3 points
    I think the theme came together naturally this week, just because it's GTA all over. No planning needed. The satire bOnEs caught in his video was brilliant, though. Nemo's posts are gold as always. I love what you did with the Cop show thing. Here's my tuppence Oh and before I forget to post these again... thanks for watching!
  4. 3 points
    That video made us look way more organized and planned out than we actually were lol. I lost it when I saw you ( and Dup I think ) pointing at the donuts while Nemo was robbing the store.
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    me too, that was brilliant, as well as the heli landing in the pool during the ghetto standoff!
  7. 2 points
    And the award for best new show goes to...Nemo!!!
  8. 2 points
    The email notice I just got promoting shark cards with extra % bonus money, incrementally larger with each shark card level, pretty much sums up their top priority.
  9. 1 point
    TUE SEPT 27 - 6PM (EST) 11PM (GMT) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, user create jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Stay as long as you like, but please share your experience here with us for all to enjoy! Pics, videos, stories... Crew Nights are always told from multiple viewpoints, so please tell us your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so we can try and get it into a playlist! --- Theme: Here's a theme for Casey. Rockabilly! If you don't know what Rockabilly is.... https://www.google.ca/search?q=rockabilly&biw=1920&bih=950&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgqvrowKbPAhVo3IMKHZuaBsIQ_AUIBigB There, now you're an expert. We're going the modern Rockabilly route. Like it's the 50s, but not the 50s. It's the 50s, but more badass. Classic cars and slicked back hair. I'm thinking; Classic car line up. Then the usual dicking around. Just give the freeroam lobby a good dicking! Playlist wise, I don't see anyone making a theme job but if you do, post it below. Emblem: Bones, make a thing --- Guidelines: * Join the iGTA community here, or befriend one of us to join the Crew. (via Social Club, PSN, Twitter, Instagram, IRL, etc.) * Add some of us on the Playstation Network to get invited. (PSN Names are underneath our Avatars) * You can join whenever, but the earlier the better. Ask for an invite if you want in. (We'll try to start the night out in a crew lobby to make things easier) * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. (If you don't, stay away from crew activities and play alone) * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. (This rule will now be further enforced due to recent engagements) * NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. (A number of our jobs have specific rules, try to pay attention) * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS during competitive play. It ruins the balance of the matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * NO CONSUMING OF SNACKS during competitive play. Be a man and die with honor. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * No going off-radar in competitive matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * Don't ruin someone's Photo or Video if they're trying to set something up. (This can, and will get you, kicked from the session, no sabotaging on Crew Nights) ...we'll add more as we go if needed. --- Upcoming Events: * OCT 4TH - MC Night * OCT 11TH - Underpants Party * OCT 18TH - Vehicle Brand Expo * OCT 25TH - Halloween (Events Subject to Change Depending on Crew Thoughts or When Rockstar Releases New DLC) Other Suggestions (so far): Rally Car Night, Rockabilly Night, GTA Night, Vinewood Night, Business Night, Hipster Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Motocross Night, Purge Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Vehicle Brand Expo, Dapper Animals, Underpants Party Reoccurring Themes: Crew Blue Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road Night, BMX Night, Lowriders Night, 80s Night, Apocalypse Night, MC Night
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Bunch more because /bored... ^Ummm.... the security guard was the kingpin... We'll go with that story.
  12. 1 point
    I enjoyed Syndicate more than Unity (although that's not saying much,) London felt quite accurate for the Victorian era; lots of smoke and factories in the east end and that red brick they loved to use. I felt disappointed in the mission where you had to scale Big Ben, I won't say why but you'll probably understand if you play it. Hopping across the Thames from boat to boat is pretty fun though. Anyway it seems like we're going to have to wait until 2018 for the next AC game, which I think is a brilliant move. Means they actually care about the series again.
  13. 1 point
    if you're gonna post next weeks topic so fast, don't lock these just yet ... here's my snaps, the majority were in my video ... lmao, carrying dozy out of the warzone ... dozy is trying to shed his skin...
  14. 1 point
    Unless they release a DLC with my fucking comb over hair-do and pot belly body shape, not interested.
  15. 1 point
    Coming soon to some sort of digital distribution medium near you; GTA: Pets GTA: Open For Business GTA: Nightlife GTA: University GTA: Seasons GTA: Apartment Life GTA: Bon Voyage Someone just take all the Sims EPs and paste GTA over the logo, you get the idea.
  16. 1 point
    awesome snaps nemo, be sure to share your favorite few on twitter when you get the chance... i'm gonna have to steal that one of me with the black background for something... that's just epic... thanks for sharing your stuff, you've always been one of my favorite snap artists, glad to see you hanging out with us and sharing our moments from your perspective ... speaking of perspective, here's a video i made from the clips i had... i'll upload my other snaps this weekend ...
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    survival with bones,gtagrl and kuz Now even better, Rory Mitchell tats
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Ah, yes. The trailer for the new Red Dead has a radical Islamist killing people with an AR-15 in a gay club. Makes perfect sense. Actually, I think I'll go ahead and reply to him. Whoever the fuck he is.