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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    LOL! Well I seemed to have bought everyone a drink. I never got tipped or even paid at all when I was at the bar but to be fair I also didn't serve any drinks. It was a more BYOB type of bar. Also thanks for sharing the vid on Tequi la la. I'm going to check that out. There may be an easier way to get into it than what that guy does. Kitty and Baya can spawn in the 10 car garage workshop in the back in freemode. I'll see if the same can be done with that bar. It'll be cool for all of us to be able to enter there in the same freemode session without going through the hassle of the helicopter pull.
  2. 2 points
    You can never have too much of a good thing.
  3. 2 points
    come on, delilah isn't that easy... but at least you bought her a drink, she's does like those... also, delilah's ass has been featured twice in this week's snaps... just saying...
  4. 2 points
    here's a few of mine... race... meet up... nemo getting frisky... that's what you get... i was stuck in this pose for a bit lol... weev with the superhero landing... crouching tiger, hidden casey... another meet... bmx getting an idea (see dio's post for the results)... lol... ran out of clip space because i forgot to delete old stuff... oh well, it was fun early on, but i finished my night playing the new hitman episode ...
  5. 2 points
    Rockabilly was fuckin awesome. Here's my stack of photos: I started annotating them, then realised how much time it takes and gave up lol. So much fun, loved the new set interiors too lol
  6. 2 points
    Selfies of the night Bones Weev ( i think ) People killing themselves off the roof and landing in the truck. Bones Baya? BMX Fanboy, Dup, Bones, Nemo, Baya, Casey On top of a truck During the blackhole. I would have gotten more but BMX got me with the knuckle dusters I quickly snapped this because I thought BMX was going for the kill again But he actually just started posing BMX falling Kuz, refusing to look at the camera
  7. 1 point
    Looked good up until it turned into the First Responder mod.
  8. 1 point
    Let's start off the pics I got with Bones driving his classic pile of rust out into the flood channel. Next we have Dup and Casey. Followed by the rest of us minus one who drove off. Bones and Casey gossiping, probably about Dio, and Dio looking oblivious. BMX and Bones. Later Ace! Enjoy our dust! You too Dup and Casey! After a few crashes and a missed turn it was time to grab a slushie with Fanboy. As long as there is Dio taking selfies, there will be Nemo taking a pic of Dio taking selfies. Kinda felt like a small car meet session. Baya teaching the iGTA Crew how to bounce! Some free-falling with Casey and Bones. Aim for the water! It'll be survivable!! And this is why you all died. I didn't even remember there being a rock that big down there. My bad! Getting pumped for the Biker DLC. Outta the way NPCs! Some crew on crew murderin Who brings a knife to a shotgun fight? This job was way more difficult than I expected. Got lapped too. Weev and I were the generic henchmen that night. Also Dup and Ace. "Umm, after your through with him can I get a whiskey neat?" Step on up. The bar is open! What can I get you alcoholics? Want to clear a room? Then just get these two to tell some jokes! Dunno what's happening but it seems serious...ish! Dio, the bar is not a Slip 'N Slide. Ok Dio. I think you've had enough. I'm cutting you off. Go home. Yeeaaahh, You don't want to go in there for a least...ever. The Usual Suspects Cheap booze, fleabag motel, and an easy date. Rockabilly all the way! And the last pic of the night is at the winners garage.
  9. 1 point
    Okay glad I'm not the only one confused as fuck over this story.... But lets be honest, who really plays these games for the story?? lol Also I agree, when I saw 4 targets I was thinking there was going be a shit-ton of opportunities but then I only saw 6 and was like "dafuq". I do love the environment and the atmosphere of this level and I love how when you thought you were done Diana would have you do something else. It felt like this actually was happening in real time. I'd rank it third so far right behind Sapienza and Bangkok
  10. 1 point
    nah, i guess it just happened that way, didn't even notice until you pointed it out!! so much red lol ... oh shit, #13 didn't post!! lol me and casey being super greaser gang with our switchblades ... i think that's baya with the hood slide in the BG...
  11. 1 point
    Unless they release a DLC with my fucking comb over hair-do and pot belly body shape, not interested.
  12. 1 point
    from friday night... cross-eyed kuz ... kuz and scar jo... que the dukes of hazzard sound effect... diojules handling some business while we roll up... rolling up, with gtagrl in the back... gtagrl handling some business too...