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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/16 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    So...shall we start a betting pool on the release date for the next Red Dead?
  2. 4 points
    or this... i laughed so hard ...
  3. 3 points
    Most likely to be an RDR themed DLC for GTA Online... Introducing a new vehicle type, Horses, with hundreds of customisation options to spend your cash on... New game mode called Cattle Drive. Buy up some cattle then drive them halfway across the map before a cunt in a hydra blows it all to shit...
  4. 3 points
    Watch it be just a Red Dead remastered.
  5. 2 points
    If so: At. Fucking. Last. Huzzah for Rockstar. If not: Fuck you Rockstar.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Finally, something worth playing. Inb4 Red Dead Online becomes a thing and ruins the series like GTAO ruined GTA.
  8. 1 point
    I think we all know there are going to be delays. We're talking about Rockstar.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Damn. You guys got some nice shots in there and a lot of them too. I can't give out any more likes until tomorrow so I'll have to do that then. What's with the low limit to them anyways? OK. Here are the shots I got. Dup, GTAGrl, and I Clueless NPC Bone's Lineup Riding into the sunset Dio got too handsy BMX takes a fall... ...and GTAGrl makes sure he's down. Hmm. I see a DNF in my future. And onto the Axe battles!! Surprise Bones!!! Goodbye Bones!! We cut you down while you're distracted. In this case I got distracted...and lost my footing. Dio thinking Bones is done for turns to face me... ...but Bones was only just bleeding everywhere. He was still good to go. Teamwork!!....followed by betrayal (Bones and I ended up killing each other). Fanboy murdering away. Dio laid a trap for me and sacrificed a point to keep me from winning. Well played Dio, well played. Hey Dup! Guess who?! Nowhere to run Dup! It wasn't personal Dup! I murder everyone! GTAGrl and Fanboy face off and I go in for the finish. Bones comes back for revenge. So does Dup. I tried to save Weev (so I could get the kill and point) but I was too late. Scooters and explosions. Pirates and explosions! It was a close battle with grenades flying everywhere... Just before the other boat blew up I heard Dio shout out "ABANDON SHIP!" and there he went. Bones and GTAGrl stayed with their ship. The last survivor to take out! Unfortunately for me I brought a knife to a gun fight. Tattoos everywhere! Fun with Raptors. Don't worry fanboy! We all saw that and I'm sure Dio and Bones'll post in on twitter! Some muddy murder. And more scooters Kung-Fu! The Legend Ends! There's no distracting GTAGrl Getting supplies at the end of the night. That's it.
  12. 1 point
    finally got thru my snaps ... i went a bit overboard, so there's some goodies in here... red carpet stuff... yaaaayyy ... gangster... lols... i actually saved clips during jobs for change ... hatchet high... apocalypse figs... fanboy looking cool as fuck... ha!! scooter beach race... after the playlist... NPC bmx lol... messin' around with the raptor... nemo with the elbow from the top rope!! me and weev lol... clubhouse underwear party... arm wrestling championships... we have a new champion!! gtagrl goes down at the pythons of nemo!! fanboy couldn't hold his liquor, so we all made fun of him... did i walk in at a bad time, dup?? weev, grl, me... wallpaper... dio thought he'd get us... fail... came back with fireworks... i was fine tho... yet another bloody dio snap... muddy shotgun match thingy... duel... fanboy, dup, me... annoying speed bump... epic ... lols... --- ta da!! i'll probably have a vine to share as well...
  13. 1 point
    Scooter port Fanboy gets BMX I get Bones Hatchet High BMX vs Bones, blood much? Not sure how I got it to do that. I step in to finish the job Pretty rapey BMX kills Nemo and Fanboy Nemo kills Dup Figs Apocalypse with scooters Weev, Me, and gtagrl in the background. I stole fanboys scooter. ikillyou in the background gtagrl with Dup and Nemo Dup vs BMX Dup Wins BMX flops about Pirates of the Alamo BMX just getting out of the way of an exploding boat Hey Dup, is that a grenade? I think it was a grenade Yup, totally a grenade I seem to give zero fucks When gtagrl was the last one left Getting fanboy Bones, you're going the wrong way Me vs Bones I'm sure you guessed this is how it ended Everyone said I may have won scooter grave because of the faggio sport, but as you can see it was because of my kung fu As demonstrated on Bones Excuse me Bones' corpse Kung fu on Dup And Nemo Hey Bones, Hi My Kung fu gets me through trash dash Bones dares to challenge my Kung fu Kung FU! Fanboy then wants some Kung Fu KUNG FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Dup then wants some kung fu KUNG FUCKING FUUUU The body count will be my last photo of the week OR WILL IT! Here is a picture from July of 2015 because it is the Kung Fu'est of all pictures to have ever kung fu'ed