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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/16 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Trick or Treat (me, R2D2 the flasher, and bOnEs) Time to kiss your ass goodbye SO CLOSE...and yet, so terribly far Dupenstein, Pumpkingrl, Navahoe, bOnEs-babealicious and Riff Raff (bmx )
  2. 2 points
    good times, gang... small group, but it was a fun one... plus dio got drunk, so that added to the enjoyment ... selfie 1: dup babe and grl... selfie 2: babe grl... i'll certainly go thru clips later this week, and TBH, i think most of us agree that stretching this theme out another week wouldn't be a bad idea ...
  3. 1 point
    Updated, change some placements, drew the mountains to make them clearer and easier to read. Not really much else to do other than draw a couple more minor rocks and mounds, since the trailer is the only thing we have to go on at this point. I'd also like to add that, where i started by trying to fit the screenshots into the leaked map - from the moment I started to make my on map, I decided to go purely on the Trailer, so what you see here^ is only what is in the trailer and not in any way manipulated by the knowledge of that leaked map.
  4. 1 point
    ^that. I haven't been using the leak map. Just what we see and where I think things are. Dup was using it but stopped. Even if that map is legit, it could have changed a lot from when it was originally posted. Hell, the map Rockstar has right now can still change since they have a year to go. That's more reason for me to look away from it. I did try placing things like the river (I think it would be the smaller one far left named "little creek") but when it came to placing screenshots things weren't quite working out. I think that's where Dup got frustrated and gave up. There's quite a bit from what we've seen in the trailer that doesn't seem to match up to the map for me. The forest hills next to the oil field and along that plain seem to flow right into the mountains behind with no river between them. Might just be the perspective but that's the way it looks. I've also tried finding railroad tracks along the oil field but haven't. Of course they need to be nice, smooth inclines/declines but the hills around that final shot are quite bumpy for a train. Again, I could be wrong and things are there but hidden well. This is the fun part. Also, for anyone that missed the GTA V mapping, here's the topic and here's a short roundup of me and Dup's maps.
  5. 1 point
    I think Dupz earlier annotations were more with the leaked map in mind, but the newer maps look to be just taken from what we know from the few screencaps we have. Of course we're seeing such a small area it could be a tiny, insignificant part of the map, and we still don't know where the town or the Zancudo river area are in relation to this.
  6. 1 point
    Sorry to hear that. Hope everything works out.
  7. 1 point
    My condolences. I've lost people to cancer. I hope she fares well and you and yours get through this in one piece.
  8. 1 point
    Small correction to this. Teepee is actually left of where the line points. That's Olympus far right. It sits back behind Teepee. But Dup has that already.
  9. 1 point
    Yeah i thought it was in that area relative to the mountains. I wasnt 100% sure on that tree landmark though. So I've added those ranches into my map, added a couple more labels for weird shaped mounds. But i kind of feel like the mountains in that shot look deceiving, they might not actually be the ones we think they are. I also decided to rotate the map because I believe Olympus is North. The peaks are snowier that way which just screams north.
  10. 1 point
    Hope this helps: And updated my crap map:
  11. 1 point
    I made a little bit of progress with Mountain Positions as well as scene placement.
  12. 1 point
    Nice spotting on the details there. I don't see the connection to the grizzly and the buffalo though. What is it you've lined in red on that hillside? I'm still unsure where the buffalo/train shot sits relative to everything else. Here's a panoramic shot I've been cleaning up.
  13. 1 point
    Nothing earth-shattering. Just posting to get other people thinking: blah. just updating the cattle shot on the far right: I doubt i'm the only one to do something like this: I thought there was a few burned-out buildings over here....................................^ but it appears to be shit tree textures. #gtaivproblems
  14. 1 point
    Now now ladies; play nice. So we ended up doing some playlists after all. And some co-op missions and business stuff. I didn't take much but better than nothing I think most of us played that mission where it just ends with a 5 minute wait. I guess the idea is other players are to come fuck you up. But we were bored so this happened as per usual With Kuz, gtagrl and R2 R2 seemed pretty excited As did Kuz. The terrifying view from inside the SUV. Good thing there were so small children on board. You all can guess how it ended So you can change the colour of the Dune in races now. Kuz got stopped as I take the jump Near the end of the night, we helped Fanboy deliver some weed. Here he is, high as fuck ( in the game, and real life ) with the dirty hippy next to him. Truth was even there ( still wearing the same thing since heists first came out ) R2 with the camera turned...it kinda looks like he is facing the right way up? ...No Gtagrl That is all. Halloween next week. I highly doubt we will have a shortage of people for that one. I thought perhaps the brand expo thing was too convoluted but we talked about it a bit and I imagine most would have a grotti or a pegassi of some sort. A banshee meet would also be cool as they have the banshee jacket. Fanboy seemed pretty excited for that theme. I'm bumping crew blue.
  15. 1 point
    At the beginning of the night, when it was only me and DiO, before we canned the theme for the night: Truth joined at the end there. We did a playlist and did some MC work. And I somehow ended up with a duffel bag (for the first time!) on my biker outfit: ^That's with R2D2, Kuz and DiO. It happened after I spawned into a public washroom lobby, managed to save it even though I got merked within seconds. I have a screenshot of getting shot in the back with it on. It seems to disappear when you go through any loading screen (job/exit garage) but I can reset it by putting the saved outfit back on.
  16. 1 point
    finally got thru my snaps ... i went a bit overboard, so there's some goodies in here... red carpet stuff... yaaaayyy ... gangster... lols... i actually saved clips during jobs for change ... hatchet high... apocalypse figs... fanboy looking cool as fuck... ha!! scooter beach race... after the playlist... NPC bmx lol... messin' around with the raptor... nemo with the elbow from the top rope!! me and weev lol... clubhouse underwear party... arm wrestling championships... we have a new champion!! gtagrl goes down at the pythons of nemo!! fanboy couldn't hold his liquor, so we all made fun of him... did i walk in at a bad time, dup?? weev, grl, me... wallpaper... dio thought he'd get us... fail... came back with fireworks... i was fine tho... yet another bloody dio snap... muddy shotgun match thingy... duel... fanboy, dup, me... annoying speed bump... epic ... lols... --- ta da!! i'll probably have a vine to share as well...
  17. 1 point
    DiO... A worthy foe, but I assure you... YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR MY KUNG FU