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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    With Bones, BMX, Dup and Gtagrl. Bones is getting some air BMX and Bones get some air BMX with a lot of air Blockoland Karting BMX going off the jump a bit sideways Dup's race the cluster fuck at the start of my race. Gtagrl gets air off my car while r2 falls to his doom Giving Riff Raff ( BMX ) a smack BMX investigating When R2 decides to test out a pipe bomb I kill r2 just after he killed gtagrl Headshot on Dup Gun bunt on BMX over Dup's corpse Blowing up gtagrl. The Journey and the Taco van...solid vehicle choices for this race. I noticed some posters in the back of the journey Taking out the slasher ( Bones ) Getting some kills gtagrl, me, bones Saying Hi to R2 Kuz had the brilliant idea to do a team gta race on bikes. Turned out pretty funny That is all
  2. 1 point
    Thanks for the responses guys. I'm amazed by how you guys can create these maps from the images available and how thorough you both are.
  3. 1 point
    I've got into this a bit more and would say it's an enjoyable GTA clone. Seen all the game play before and I quite like the cover system - I can't remember SP in GTAV but I think it is similar to that. I'm only about a third of the way through but I keep getting distracted by the collectibles, I mean, who can resist titties?? If Sleeping Dogs was GTA: Hong Kong, then this is GTA: New Orleans... It misses the satirical humour but the setting and soundtrack are pretty awesome. I would love Rockstar to visit the 60's-70's...
  4. 1 point
    That was one of the most brutal things i've ever seen, and i frequent liveleak.... god damn. No chance to breathe,
  5. 1 point
    And so it begins. Ready the Shit List!
  6. 1 point
    people were trying to make a point of the "heartland" part of the sentence the other day, and referencing the leaked map that had the same name... i fucking lol'd so hard because if you live in america, you know the heartland represents the vast open world of the midwest, not a name on a map ... i was mostly ignored, but people will read into anything nowadays... god damn europeans run most of those big twitter fansites, we're probably the most well equipped fansite for this game since this is our land, north america... heartland... lmao, of course the game takes place in the heartland ...