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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    More than worth it, that and so the comic book fans got (predictably) riled up only to slap them down was fantastic. +1 for the liveleak special. I've seen IS videos that werent as graphic
  2. 1 point
    Flailing is fun. I've extended Halloween for another week The new adversary modes look fun and I'd like to play them with a good full lobby. Plus the theme is great. it's mostly open ended who whatever we would feel like doing. Plus I don't think BMX had enough of being Riff Raff. OOO! and a line up with the new bike would be pretty cool.
  3. 1 point
    With Bones, BMX, Dup and Gtagrl. Bones is getting some air BMX and Bones get some air BMX with a lot of air Blockoland Karting BMX going off the jump a bit sideways Dup's race the cluster fuck at the start of my race. Gtagrl gets air off my car while r2 falls to his doom Giving Riff Raff ( BMX ) a smack BMX investigating When R2 decides to test out a pipe bomb I kill r2 just after he killed gtagrl Headshot on Dup Gun bunt on BMX over Dup's corpse Blowing up gtagrl. The Journey and the Taco van...solid vehicle choices for this race. I noticed some posters in the back of the journey Taking out the slasher ( Bones ) Getting some kills gtagrl, me, bones Saying Hi to R2 Kuz had the brilliant idea to do a team gta race on bikes. Turned out pretty funny That is all
  4. 1 point
    Trick or Treat (me, R2D2 the flasher, and bOnEs) Time to kiss your ass goodbye SO CLOSE...and yet, so terribly far Dupenstein, Pumpkingrl, Navahoe, bOnEs-babealicious and Riff Raff (bmx )
  5. 1 point
    good times, gang... small group, but it was a fun one... plus dio got drunk, so that added to the enjoyment ... selfie 1: dup babe and grl... selfie 2: babe grl... i'll certainly go thru clips later this week, and TBH, i think most of us agree that stretching this theme out another week wouldn't be a bad idea ...