TUE DEC 6 - 6PM (EST) 11PM (GMT) ---
Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, user create jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Stay as long as you like, but please share your experience here with us for all to enjoy! Pics, videos, stories... Crew Nights are always told from multiple viewpoints, so please tell us your side of the story!
If you created a new job, post a link here so we can try and get it into a playlist! --- Theme:
Another theme requested by Bones. Time to revisit hipster DLC content. If you forget what that was, or what a hipster is, please see my research below
So lets see them stashes, leggings and toques ( toques only apply is the weather is above 10'c and your wearing it for fashion, and not to be warm ) and let's get our hipster douche on!
If someone is super keen on doing a theme again in the coming weeks, let me know and we can pencil it in.
--- New Jobs:
From now on I am just going to post this link. It sorts all IGTA jobs by date. The newest and updated ones will be up front. That is easier for everyone
Ok so I just published a few myself:
DO- Half Pipe Bombs
DO- What's in the box?
DO- Obstacles of Death
Just so everyone knows how to ride the elevator
DO- Panto Soccer
New from Dup:
DUP-Donky Kong Dash
And Weev updated a couple:
WDB-Raton canyon run
new from Dup
DUP-Toybox Wars
--- Guidelines:
* Join the iGTA community here, or befriend one of us to join the Crew. (via Social Club, PSN, Twitter, Instagram, IRL, etc.)
* Add some of us on the Playstation Network to get invited. (PSN Names are underneath our Avatars)
* You can join whenever, but the earlier the better. Ask for an invite if you want in. (We'll try to start the night out in a crew lobby to make things easier)
* If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. (If you don't, stay away from crew activities and play alone)
* NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. (This rule will now be further enforced due to recent engagements)
* NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. (A number of our jobs have specific rules, try to pay attention)
* NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS during competitive play. It ruins the balance of the matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one)
* NO CONSUMING OF SNACKS during competitive play. Be a man and die with honor. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one)
* No going off-radar in competitive matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one)
* Don't ruin someone's Photo or Video if they're trying to set something up. (This can, and will get you, kicked from the session, no sabotaging on Crew Nights) ...we'll add more as we go if needed.
--- Upcoming Events:
* DEC 13th - Lowriders Night - or Import/Export DLC
* DEC 20th - Christmas? - or Import/Export DLC
* DEC 27th - Christmas?
(Events Subject to Change Depending on Crew Thoughts or When Rockstar Releases New DLC)
Other Suggestions (so far): Rally Car Night, Rockabilly Night, GTA Night, Vinewood Night, Business Night, Hipster Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Motocross Night, Purge Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Vehicle Brand Expo, Dapper Animals, Underpants Party
Reoccurring Themes: Crew Blue Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road Night, BMX Night, Lowriders Night, 80s Night, Apocalypse Night, MC Night