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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/16 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Bit of a 'sneak preview'. Still a lot to do, but this is the lobby of the "hotel". More than likely there'll be changes as and when more items are created & mods updated.
  2. 1 point
    haha, well get ready for a butt load more snaps ... i think there's about 50 here... funnily enough, almost half of them come from the clubhouse at the beginning of the night, mainly because i am terrible at remembering to save clips during jobs lol ... me and dio ... nemo... gtagrl... weev and dupz... bmxraff... a few of us... casey... old man jason... heated game of butt darts between weev and bmx... me and jason... hey, it's kuz!! and holy a shit, jizzy?!!? crew up... might do something with this in the future... hmm.... a couple that raids together, stays together ... meeting room to discuss our raiding plans for the evening... 'murica... out on the prowl... poor weev... mad maxamillion snap... dupz job, a skirmish below... up above... dio and bmx going at it... who wins?? neither!! lol ... dupz with the perfect dive... me?? not so much lol... clever, kuz... bravo ... warfare... cruising with gtagrl and jizzy... who is this guy?? goosey?? idk ... UPDATE: it's fanboy!!! (thanks, dio) damn son, you cleaned up later, that's why i was confused going thru the clips ... old man parkour kuz... whoever he is (fanboy), thanks for the help on this bad ass snap (even tho you didn't know lol)... i was wondering why i saved this clip until i heard the explosion ... ceremonial burning of ACE! ... resource wars... definitely like this one more... scratched the BG and went with "resource negotiations..." nemo and kuz came to the wrong neighborhood, mother fuckers!! afterwards, nemo invited a couple of us to join gtalsc, which whom i already know... so my drunked ass wandered over that way ... me, gtalsc, and fanboy showing off some vans... me and lsc... diamondbiscuitz, me, fanboy... fin............ no video i don't think... at least, no motion video, maybe a snap video if i am feeling ambitious (lol prolly not tho )