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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    da snaps ... hipster car meet, meaning it didn't really happen, it was underground, you didn't even know about it... we were encouraging jizzy to ask dio out on a date ... he said yes!! weev looking paranoid... "no officer, that's not weed, it's pot"... willy D... a grl and her car... jizzy is in favor of prop 208... good thing jizzy asked dio out, because this cop was ready to make his move... move along, officer... that's right, mother fucker ... dio's halfpipe was fuuun... the things you see just moving the camera around sometimes... aaaand, me and gtagrl strategically shooting at stuff in dupz' kong bash... still needs some work, but i see the potential ...
  2. 1 point
    I did save a few clips...I didn't even play between crew nights, but will try to make some time for the editor. I did find this, it's blurry from an explosion I think: Poor Weev's broken body in the street as R2D2/BroMan shot yet more cops...we had a good bottleneck rampage going... #shenanigans "Dear Rockstar, please add these gloves to Online wardrobe." Here's the playlist we did - got some clips from Dup's Donkey Kong and a few other jobs, so hope to add some snaps soon.
  3. 1 point
    Her name is no longer Regina actually. Reason number one is that name is shit. Reason number 2 is without it being on purpose, my Fallout character ended up looking kinda like my gta character formerly known as Regina. There's some shinfo for you. (shin-fo) noun. Information that just isn't needed. ie. shitty information. hashtag: noonegivesafuck edit Riiight, the reason I came into this topic. Almost forgot DUP-Toybox Wars /\ that looks fucking awesome. I was actually going to make a blockoland deathmatch to go along with my races. Still will. But it will be a lot like that. edit Ohh and your name, lol. I didn't actually think you would do it.