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  1. 1 point
    mia snaps... only saved 4 clips... most of the snaps came from one clip ... we were too busy playing the new dlc to even bother with doing something constructively snap related... and tbh, i kept forgetting to save clips anyways since i was too busy enjoying the evening... but here's what i got... me and dupz, with jizzy on the gun... the amphibious technical... during one of the car thefts... they were doing some sort of stunt thingy... the game adds props to the map around these events... kind of cool... stealing a car with gtagrl, and weev providing air support... off to another car theft... this DLC is a fun new distraction... shame it's another public lobby thing... plus i don't see it paying as well as CEO and bikers anyways...
  2. 1 point
    It's better. You won't regret it. It's messy and complicated and riveting and ruthless. My first time through the books, I had to keep referring to the character breakdown at the back of the book to keep everyone straight. Found Margaret Atwood's The Heart Goes Last at the library. score! I'm also working my way through Neal Stephenson now, finished Snow Crash and just started Reamde, so far it's great. I also have discovered a rather humorous Canuck author, Terry Fallis, he's been a delight to read. No Relation is a hilarious tale of a guy who starts a support group for ordinary people that just happen to have the same name as famous people - actors, writers, athletes - after his life completely implodes. The Best Laid Plans made me chuckle, although perhaps only political junkies that are familiar with Ottawa (both the city and as the legislative capital of Canada) might like this book...I liked it, anyway.
  3. 1 point
    Reading Lev Grossman's (twin brother of Austin, mentioned above) The Magicians trilogy... very good fun... a cross between Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia written for adults... After that, I have been driven by desperation to try Game of Thrones... hopefully, it is as good as people say
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    For those who don't know, I will not be there this week. I am leaving tomorrow morning for Costa Rica for 8 days. So have fun this week. I know I will be.
  6. 1 point
    da snaps ... hipster car meet, meaning it didn't really happen, it was underground, you didn't even know about it... we were encouraging jizzy to ask dio out on a date ... he said yes!! weev looking paranoid... "no officer, that's not weed, it's pot"... willy D... a grl and her car... jizzy is in favor of prop 208... good thing jizzy asked dio out, because this cop was ready to make his move... move along, officer... that's right, mother fucker ... dio's halfpipe was fuuun... the things you see just moving the camera around sometimes... aaaand, me and gtagrl strategically shooting at stuff in dupz' kong bash... still needs some work, but i see the potential ...