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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/16 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    lets save lowrider night for the new year, and just do christmas/igta blue for the last two themes IMO... we could even do more import/export next week, i wouldn't mind... but its up to if/when rockstar drops the holiday gear of course... i say we do crew blue night this tuesday in hopes we have new christmas stuff... if we don't have festive stuff? then we just fuck around and have fun regardless... like i said a year or two ago, there's nothing wrong with taking breaks from themes... lately, it seems like that age old advice makes a lot more sense ... its super easy to get burnt out on all the themes, especially for the creators and those who join that night and have to throw some outfit together in a pinch... i think we need more iGTA or no themed nights anyways... and i lean more towards crew blue nights since at least it looks like we made an effort ... didn't i mention color themed nights too a long time ago?? red night, green, orangie, yellow, purple, etc... just a thought
  2. 1 point
    TUE DEC 20 & 27 - 6PM (EST) 11PM (GMT) MON JAN 2 (with snow) & TUE JAN 3 (without snow) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, user create jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Stay as long as you like, but please share your experience here with us for all to enjoy! Pics, videos, stories... Crew Nights are always told from multiple viewpoints, so please tell us your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so we can bookmark it and get it into a playlist! --- Theme: I'm Dreaming of a Blue Christmas Christmas stuff started falling from the sky on Tuesday, so let's get festive and keep it going for the rest of December! --- New/Updated Jobs: (Add links to the topic below and I'll update the OP) --- Guidelines: * Join the iGTA community here, or befriend one of us to join the Crew. (via Social Club, PSN, Twitter, Instagram, IRL, etc.) * Add some of us on the Playstation Network to get invited. (PSN Names are underneath our Avatars) * You can join whenever, but the earlier the better. Ask for an invite if you want in. (We'll try to start the night out in a crew lobby to make things easier) * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. (If you don't, stay away from crew activities and play alone) * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. (This rule will now be further enforced due to recent engagements) * NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. (A number of our jobs have specific rules, try to pay attention) * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS during competitive play. It ruins the balance of the matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * NO CONSUMING OF SNACKS during competitive play. Be a man and die with honor. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * No going off-radar in competitive matches. (Not been an issue yet, don't make it one) * Don't ruin someone's Photo or Video if they're trying to set something up. (This can, and will get you, kicked from the session, no sabotaging on Crew Nights) ...we'll add more as we go if needed. --- Upcoming Events: * DEC 27th - MOARY Christmas / Import/Export DLC * JAN 3rd - No theme post-snow * JAN 10th - TBA - discuss below what you'd like to do next week! (Events Subject to Change Depending on Crew Thoughts or When Rockstar Releases New DLC) Other Suggestions (so far): Rally Car Night, Rockabilly Night, GTA Night, Vinewood Night, Business Night, Hipster Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Motocross Night, Purge Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party Reoccurring Themes: Crew Blue Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road Night, BMX Night, Lowriders Night, 80s Night, Apocalypse Night, MC Night
  3. 1 point
    the current event week runs thru monday, so it's possible that christmas stuff drops on tuesday... but if it don't, we can just make it crew blue...
  4. 1 point
    mia snaps... only saved 4 clips... most of the snaps came from one clip ... we were too busy playing the new dlc to even bother with doing something constructively snap related... and tbh, i kept forgetting to save clips anyways since i was too busy enjoying the evening... but here's what i got... me and dupz, with jizzy on the gun... the amphibious technical... during one of the car thefts... they were doing some sort of stunt thingy... the game adds props to the map around these events... kind of cool... stealing a car with gtagrl, and weev providing air support... off to another car theft... this DLC is a fun new distraction... shame it's another public lobby thing... plus i don't see it paying as well as CEO and bikers anyways...