i can't even right now... i just got out of one of the best mini boss battles ever, and i am still in the infant stages of the game ...
i'll have to start a horizon zero dawn topic this weekend... jesus fucking christ, this game is intense!! it literally has lived up to every review i read going into it... it's got a decent crafting system, awesome original story, good tight controls (except for jumping ), amazing combat and action, and a certain desperation about it since save points are only at campsites (except for the questline checkpoints)...
for those of you not getting this here in the next few weeks, if this ever drops in price, you'd be a fool to pass on it... quite possibly the best PS4 game i ever played, and i am still so far from even scratching the surface of this game... i literally only have maybe 15-20% of the map open, which doesn't even mean i've been to all those spots...
just impressive is all i got to say... here's a tweet from tuesday, i've got like 40 more to share at some point lol...