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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/17 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    nice one weev, way to capture that awesome moment you sent me over the edge ... i'm fucking done with photobucket... so i'm gonna try a go here at imgur... starting out the night, dressed as scarbones for the fuck of it, on my BMX... with bmx, and gtagrl... easy there, bmx... speaking of easy, that's what he makes his bmx'n look like ... riding around with this chola... a couple dudes were following... job related snaps... parachuting down... leaving everyone in the dust... i actually did very good on the first playlist, me and dupz both... out of my way, dio... a couple submarines... really love this one... the big looping thingy... back to shenanigans... wishing we could play pool... played darts with gtagrl instead... back to shenanigans... car meet outside of shenanigans... dupz... weev staley... getting drunk in my office... rare appearance from kill... coooool....
  2. 1 point
    At this point, I only use Twitter because it's an easy way to set up a news feed for things that I actually care about.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Noice! I bet in that clip with the ruiners i'm the one with the parachute out cause everyone was always way below me on those big jumps.Also sorry not sorry bones for making you go over the edge but that was the funniest damn thing that's happened. I'll go through my clips today and have em up at some point. Edit: Put my clips into this post just so I'm not double posting.
  5. 1 point
    Didn't get much on account of working late but here we are R2 puts on a show for the ped. He doesn't seem to enjoy it. That's for being ungrateful This guy too Bones gets pushed over the barrier Bye Bones Ruiners Me and Bones Submerged on the landing Weev Me and weev drunk Pointing out why Fanboy's car looks stupid as he tried telling me it looks better than the bullet. Who will win the fight? Me, cause cheating Fuck your car, Weev. I may have tripped on the spoiler end