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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/17 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    That's fine, we will just shift that shit around. Hippie night just pulled ahead with 5 votes. That will be next week. Then you don't miss underpants. I think we're all also ok with 80s night after that right? With the new cars. The last 80s had a great turnout.
  2. 1 point
    Firstly, A pic of my race garage just cause. I did. So I went to go make a protein shake and came back to my car in a flaming wreck. I decided to save the clip and see what happened later. First thing I see in the distance is BMX bailing out of his car to run over R2 and Fanboy. This is where Bones fails And my car catches fire. BMX saves my AFC life Fanboy was too late to save gtagrl Drift. The spoiler is totally necessary. Drift bowling R2 runs over me and BMX gtagrl runs over me Bones gets fanboy Fanboy gets his revenge I join the other team to be a pin. BMX gets me, r2 and gtagrl Me and Kuz wear yellow cause We're Asian. Kuz's race My Deathmatch, Shanty Town. Hey Weev. Hi Hey R2 ( Yes I did a wardrobe change mid-deathmatch ) Hi Fanboy vs Weev No one wins Whose fanboy saying hi too? o, its gtagrl Hey Kuz Hi Hey R2 Hay again Fanboy says hi to Weev. gtagrl in the background. Way to fall so dramatically Weev. Remember gtagrl from the background of the last pictures, well I found her. Hellooooo Tharr Nice landing. R2 says hi to Weev. Again with the theatrical fall eh Weev? Hi R2 Looks like Weev wanted to join the party. Hey Kuz. Man, I getting sick of greeting people so often. gtagrl That's a lot of bodies. Weev standing over them. Time to investigate. There they all are. Kuz, R2, Fanboy, and Weev. Kuz looks like he is on his way down. Fanboy is next. Ok there Broman...Fanboy is dead. You can stop shooting him in the back of the head. If you weren't so busy shooting Fanboy's corpse, you might have seem Weev coming. But I guess you did. Here we are from the first pic. I thought you were dead, but you were actually mid combat roll. O shit. And R2 kills Weev. Well done. Death by Divebomb or what ever Nemo called his version. Getting gtagrl Smush. At this point, gtagrl was as airborne as I was. Fanboy's turn. I love it when they wrap around the wing. Kuz failing in the background. Kuz's race. A Drippy Trip. I swear the Omnis is the best car for this. It never drown. You figure it would have happened here. Weev fucking up in the distance. I pass him, but he still somehow stuck the landing. This job looks nOice. I'll leave you with the sexiest Comet Retro ever...
  3. 1 point
    It's a shame she altered her face so much, if it she's not working as a result. She was great on the original show.