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  1. 3 points
    Fanman was my joke (obviously) but I'm sure in a few months we'll all forget and DiO will try and take credit. HA TO YOU FINE GENTLEMAN! Those are some hilarious pics and clips from an equally hilarious night. Fun times
  2. 2 points
    It would seem me and Bones are spending our Thursday night doing the same thing. Let's start with my clip Never had a real good look into the cockpit of a sub before Nemo Me Kuz Dup Fanboy The start of a team GTA race. I'm sure you can guess what is next. You probably figured it was Me and Fanboy mashing someone. But actually Bones gave us a good kick. Then BMX and Gtagrl used Fanboy as a ramp. Good vehicle choice there BMX. Land Grab. Kuz vs Gtagrl I managed to shoot an already dead Gtagrl from a distance. Someone killing someone. Oh it's Big Boss. Welcome back Big Boss. And he is killing his fellow Mexican, Nemo. Hopefully you watched the clip at the start of my post so you know what is about to happen. Time to ruin some of the magic. It was still pretty good timing though. lul Joust III. Weev steals Fanboy's scooter. Fanboy tries to get another. Not on my watch. I get the scooter. Another team GTA race. Just a lot of cluster fuckery here. Fanboy manages to hit Nemo off our bike, but not me. I fire back Dup's cage match. Wasn't really worth spending too much time getting pictures in this. It was just a lot of lag and gltichy punching. Nemo's bike race. Kuz taking the jump. Weev lands in the water. Hey Nemo, nice mud guards. PEDAL OLD MAN! PEDAL! More land grab. I feel like I am picking on Fanboy tonight. Maybe it's because he is due to turn into Fanman. Why you still a boy? ( Whose joke was that originally? Kuz or BMX? ) Bones vs Weev. these usually start with the over the shoulder shot of the winner but I thought I'd change it up. Bones died. Bye Fanboy. Bye Big Boss. OH NOES IT'S KUZ You rolled too early sucka. Kiss my ass AND DIE! DIE KUZ DIE DIE! DIE! Vertical shot. It will take you slightly longer to scroll past it. HA! DIE! Ok that was a bit much. I rewound the clip to find him gun bunting Weev. That make you feel better Kuzie Poo? Nemo takes out Fanboy. Though it would seem Fanboy died a lot...he happened to do really well in capturing a lot of squares. His team won the land grab. Killing Cynical Creator. If you haven't seen his character close up before...brace yourself. ...yeah. Yikes Weev killing someone. Just had to me Cynical again to make me stare at the mug one more time. At this point Kuz was yelling "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SCREEN!" In this game mode if you press triangle it will go to an overhead view of the map, blocking your entire screen. This was about when Gtagrl told him that. But it was a bit late. Weev, Fanboy and Gtagrl make a triangle. Weev comes out on top. I could have sworn he would have preferred it on the bottom of a 3 way. And finally, killing Fanboy's NPC after he left the lobby. This is where the game struggles to process where the hat goes from on the head, to flying through the air. It eventually figures it out. The end.
  3. 1 point
    TUE APR 25 - 6PM (EDT) 11PM (BST) --- Join us this Tuesday for iGTA Crew Night! #shenanigans, crew-created jobs, photo ops, streaming, etc... Join when you can, stay as long as you like, and please post your pics and videos here for all to enjoy! Crew nights are always more hilarious from multiple viewpoints, so show and tell your side of the story! If you created a new job, post a link here so the playlist DJs can bookmark it. The IGTA Community chat on PSN is also a great place to share ideas and news. Photos are occasionally featured at @iGrandTheftAuto. Please tag your crew content with #igta! --- Theme: All you need to know is right here: --- PS --- Pimps'n'Hoes won the poll. I added it to the calendar. I also added Impostor night. Dress like someone else from iGTA. That theme is long overdue. So it's like how we dress like Weev on Weev night, but we will all mimic different people. Great idea for a theme right? Yeah it was my idea. Totally my idea. Not Kuz's idea. --- * Join the iGTA community here to be eligible for an invitation to the Social Club Crew. * Add crew staff on the Playstation Network to get invited to GTAO lobbies. PSN Names are underneath our forum avatars, along with Social Club, Twitter, etc. * You can join anytime, but the earlier the better. We usually start off in a crew lobby, join via friends list or party chat. If you can't get in, ask for an invite, sometimes we end up in an invite-only after jobs. We round everyone up and send out fresh invites after each playlist. * If there's an "EVENT THEME", please dress appropriately. * NO CREW KILLING, unless #shenanigans happen or agreed upon. You're not in a public lobby, so save it for when you are. * NO DIRTY RACING! Also, listen to us if there's specific rules for a job. A number of our jobs have specific rules, so pay attention and read the description. * NO BULLET-PROOF HELMETS, SNACKS or GOING OFF-RADAR during competitive play. For GTA races, use pickups only (rockets, boost), no thrown explosives. * Don't ruin photo or video setups. No getting a 4-star wanted level when someone's staging a shot. Just don't. --- Upcoming Events: May 2nd - Cinco de Mayo May 9th - Vote Winner: Pimps'n'Hoes May 16th - Impostor Night (Events Subject to Change depending on crew input or when Rockstar releases new DLC) Other Suggestions (add your ideas below!): Rally Car Night, Rockabilly Night, GTA Night, Vinewood Night, Business Night, Wrestling/Fight Night, Motocross Night, Purge Night, FIB Night, Rock & Roll Night (KISS), Dapper Animals, Underpants Party Recurring Themes: Crew Blue Night, Drift Night, Stunt Night, Off-Road Night, BMX Night, Lowriders Night, 80s Night, Apocalypse Night, MC Night
  4. 1 point
    Gorgeous shots, guys! That was a fun night and a good turnout. Let's face it, we look fucking hot.
  5. 1 point
    i did, kuz ... good night, fun laughs, and shenanigans... everything you'd expect when you take off your pants... i got a youtube video at the end of the snaps... there's about 5 clips mixed in with my snaps here... so anywho, let's get right to it then... clubhouse party... happy 4/20 you potheads!! 2-wheelin' it... a bit of some crashery, the next few are all taken from this still... nice... jizzy giving us the full view... dio being dio... a bit later... my sexy car... nemo's sexy self... dup's sexy mouth... my sexy ride... more shenanigans at the beach... bmx's ramp jumpy job... me and weev getting some air... gtagrl's biker gang, riding in formation... looks like she's wearing nothing except the brown jacket ... of course dio ... this had a funny outcome in the video ... last bit of shenanigans... the next 2 of fan"man" cracked me up ... i believe this is with BROMAN, we did some MC business jobs for the fuck of it... checking out someones meth lab... ------ ------ here's the video... enjoy, and thanks for a good time ...