i saw this a week ago... only dick riding morons don't see this connection lol... also from reddit..
while a new trailer would be cool, i feel like if we got a trailer, it would be the nail in the coffin for another delay... at this point in time, we need more info about the actual game... a story trailer would be cool, but if it that's all it is, then i don't want to have to wait another couple of months for gaming details... trailers are just trailers...
the october game informer is the lord of the rings game... so that makes me think we're just getting a story trailer... not like that's a bad thing, it's just making me think more and more that we're seriously gonna get a delay... bethesda with fallout 4 just dropped it and marveled at it's fandom as it came out later that year... the game was ready to go... we've spent nearly a year since the RDR2 trailer before something hype worthy dropped...
as a reminder, it took nearly a year after the mention of 3 protagonists that we actually got GTAV... yet here we are, 6 months from supposed release, and all we have is a trailer and some screenshots... like i said before, this game is not ready for spring launch... but let's hope I AM COMPLETELY WRONG, lol... but i am only going on history from a company i have grown to hate and love over the years...