got the itch to play fallout 4 again... started over with a new file for delilah... having fun being a sassy bad ass meanie, and cheating with some mods and stuff... so now i don't have to scrounge thru every desk and washing machine anymore, i can just play... i got a nice mod that added a basement quarters for a scientist named dr. mobius... sound familiar? ... i have like a 100 and/or 1000 of every item in the game down there... not sure if they regenerate or not, but i've started the game with some bad ass weapons, and this cool looking outfit...
i also added some mods, like slightly more greenery (which lags the game a bit at times) and one that makes the dark gray hues, black... which in turn made the game much darker in poorly lit areas... but in return, made the lighting even cooler ...
here's a random bad ass snap i took... never been in this location, i've had that happen to me a couple times already on this playthrough...
i miss you, fallout ... probably gonna play an institute file here, she is after all looking for her son lols...