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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/17 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Riff Raff and Future Riff Raff win a good smackeroo on dup Kuz's deathmatch. Dup killing Bones. No blood splatter Hey gtagrl, Hi Killing fanboy mid air Fanboy killing Dup Killing Bones Killing Bones Killing Bones the big jump in Dup's parkour job BMX doesn't make it Getting run over by BMX Drives straight over me but gets me on the reverse stealing BMXs car Stealing gtagrl's car She then gets run over repeatedly by me and BMX Killing Fanboy Jizzy was only there for about 2 minutes but I manged to get a picture of him taking out gtagrl Taking out Dup Killing fanboys NPC I thought he was dead.... But nope. He got up. And I back to kick his ass some more ( literally ) Finally end
  2. 1 point
    looks like next week's crew night theme has changed... A billionaire tech mogul, an idealistic intelligence agent, a socially awkward conspiracy theorist and a neurotic supercomputer have been forced into an unlikely alliance to save San Andreas from total annihilation. As apocalyptic threats mount from enemies unknown, you and your criminal crew are enlisted to un-tangle mysteries and eradicate threats spanning from the bustling streets of downtown Los Santos to the ocean floor and all the way to the inner depths of Mount Chiliad in an epic new online adventure. The Doomsday Heist is coming to Grand Theft Auto Online on December 12th.
  3. 1 point
    a couple of recent snaps ... i got another one or two, but i'll share those tomorrow... i played for like 7 hours last night and it feels like i barely made any progress ... i did a buttload of side-quests, and another quest (the scarab) that opened up a whole new simulation, which i won't spoil here yet lol... but i was so tired that i had to turn it off before i got to explore that new (old) game mode... while this game is a lot of fetch questing, it's been fun enough wandering around to keep me from getting bored of it just yet... i also nearly had 2 run-ins with phylakes... apparently if guards send out for backup at a fort, the phylake comes along as well... it's funny sneaking around them and extracting someone or something from a fort... i was literally 10 feet behind one of them, he never turned around to see me ...